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Matt Longhurst


Ask me stuff.

50 Replies

Can't believe you got Qhoome again.Har Har as soon as i seen it i felt sick to my stomach.I'm glad you have deep depression.We're in the same classes like nearly all of them and i cant help but stare at you in disgust i cant believe you haven't noticed.Die


Slonghurst replied 3381 days ago

you're the ugliest person I've ever seen on facebook. Stop pig face.

Cheers. :)

Slonghurst replied 3565 days ago

How about whoever is telling Matt all this bull$hit about how I'm going to look back on this relationship and shake my head. Go and jump on your f u c k i n g head! I honestly don't care who you are, you need to shut the f u c k up! abbiejadee

Amen babe! <3

Slonghurst replied 3593 days ago

Who are you dating?

Abbie Jade Ainsworth! <3

Slonghurst replied 3593 days ago

I don't trust you with her. She's young and stupid, one day she'll look back on her relationship with you and shake her head

How about fck off.

Slonghurst replied 3593 days ago

You don't deserve Abbie, hurt her and you'll be hearing about it.

I'm not gonna hurt her so don't act tough.

Slonghurst replied 3595 days ago

So your sis is gay, whats your thoughts on that?

It doesn't bother me.

Slonghurst replied 3633 days ago

What annoyed you today?

A lot of things haha.

Slonghurst replied 3636 days ago

Yeah why do you and Abbie post so much sad **** about your relationship? Sort it out instead of complaining because it's fu.cking annoying!


Slonghurst replied 3655 days ago

Why do you complain about your relationships so much over snapchat? If you're so unhappy why not leave her??

Cause I love her? I'm not gonna leave someone over a fight. I'm guessing I have you on my snapchat?

Slonghurst replied 3655 days ago

Matthew, when we gonna get chicken?

Kels! And whenever I have money!

Slonghurst replied 3660 days ago 1

thoughts on Shannen Jenkin.

I don't know her?

Slonghurst replied 3660 days ago

Answer my question ::p what is your thoughts on me? blitzking1994

Mass homo, a good bloke, funny and nice.

Slonghurst replied 3662 days ago

Hello Matthew


Slonghurst replied 3662 days ago

Thoughts on luke quin

Hi luke.

Slonghurst replied 3662 days ago