Ask or tell me something B?

240 Replies

Staceeyyyyyyy?❤️I miss you bêb? B_l_o_m_m_i_e

Baba?? ek miss jou ook, eks so boring deesdae ek gaan nêrens???

Staceyvanwykie replied 2439 days ago

Girl, you have no flaws do you? Your skin is clear, your hair curlsss like dammmnn, your smile kills, you got good MF legs, your family seems awesome! I mean you're even a fcking activist at such a young age. I honestly can't!

I love that you think this way about me?. I would send you this privately but you anonymous so I guess I'll just have to say this here.

I do have flaws. My skin might be free of acne but I get pimples and they stand out, I also get rashes that makes it look crusty af. My hair is so damaged that I keep it curly so that people forget about my dry and broken off hair. I only smile w/ my mouth closed, I have this really ugly tooth that makes me look so fugly. I have scars on my legs that look ugly and stretch marks on my upper thighs. My family is great but not perfect, we fight a lot and mostly it's about me which really hurts but we get through it. I don't consider myself an activist because I still have a lot to learn and do. Although I might have said all these things in a way that make it sound like my flaws, they really aren't, they're merely features on my body that society regards as "flaws" and I'm somebody that hates being judged (something I'm changing) so I hide them.

Thank you for your kind words?

Staceyvanwykie replied 2527 days ago

J dink hoeka Amanda is jou vriendine ?? Js kak dom


Staceyvanwykie replied 2535 days ago

What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?

I was vibing w/ this guy and he said something like "Jy moet my kom kuier?" and at that time I was still ya know, just like awkward and shiz so I text my bestie "Hy will he ek moet hom loop kuier. Vok, wat as sy Ben stink?" Only thing is that I sent it to HIMMM!!! But dude was like "Ek borsel darem my bek" acting all hurt and sht so I said "Daar is nogsteeds niks wat jy met jou Abba cross tande kan doen nie" ?????

Staceyvanwykie replied 2538 days ago

Grade what are u?


Staceyvanwykie replied 2540 days ago

How are you even a feminist? You just fake as fvck

Oh wow, I had no idea I could be a "fake" feminist. Look up feminism on Google and come back.

I believe in equality between men and women. I believe that what applies to men can apply to women. And maybe people will be like "Oh so if women were asked to work multiple jobs to provide for families, they would do it?" Yes, there might be physical and hormonal changes between men and women but we are in no way different. Will power is not determined by physical or hormonal changes. Ability to do work is not determined by physical or hormonal changes. Strength is not determined by physical or hormonal changes.

This is my opinion.

Staceyvanwykie replied 2548 days ago

So you hate boys? Because you always talk about how men are trash

No, I like boys. And if I ever talked trash about a boy it's because they said something and I responded. Me speaking my mind about what I feel/think/believe doesn't mean I necessarily have to be talking trash about someone. And no, not all boys are trash. But if you (male) use your gender or what's between your legs to apply superiority towards me or anyone else I will view you as trash. But if you in no way insulted me than I won't do/say anything towards you. Please understand this.

Staceyvanwykie replied 2548 days ago

Kom ek loop slaap saam jou op daai cupcakes?

Bring net jou eie kussing en kombers, ek deel nie!

Staceyvanwykie replied 2558 days ago

Jirre dink j ju kond is van goud gemaak?

Neh, maar jou ouki doen. Is hoekom Hy after my aan hardloop.

Staceyvanwykie replied 2558 days ago

Kry n mooier smyle

Ek sal as jy n beter lewe kry?

Staceyvanwykie replied 2558 days ago

Jou Qooh's laat lag my ??? Loratjii

Hulle laat vir my ook lag??

Staceyvanwykie replied 2558 days ago

Maak Aai bene oop girl

Maak vir n slag jou Byble oop boy.

Staceyvanwykie replied 2558 days ago

Lelike poes kond se kihnd

Ion understand why you come here with your lame A$$ bullsht.?

Have a good night I hope you have the day you deserve bb? Lots of love.

Staceyvanwykie replied 2563 days ago

How druip jy grd 9

Ek sal nie weet nie.

Staceyvanwykie replied 2563 days ago

Any 3 dark girls your close too in your class?.

I love em all???????

Staceyvanwykie replied 2564 days ago