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27 Replies

Are you always willing to make new friends?


Stmidis replied 2523 days ago

She thinks my tractors...


Stmidis replied 2530 days ago

If you had the chance to meet one of your online friends who would it be and why

no offense to anyone bc I honestly would love to met a lot of you but if I had to pick one it would be Leo. And I'm sure a lot of you know why but we've just known each other for so so long and he's always been my friend what I want most in the world is to legitimately hang out with him we wouldn't even have to do anything too big just playing video games and talking to him while being around his cats would be enough we've talked about this for ages I'm glad I'm getting older bc soon it will actually happen I swear on it.

Stmidis replied 2545 days ago

where do you REALLY REALLY want to travel to

Japan honestly or Iceland just for the scenery honestly I want to see nice cities full of historical value and the completely different culture Japan has and Iceland bc ITS SO PRETTY HONESTLY.... also maybe new York.. a twitter mutual is over their ATM and they posting some pretty nice pictures...

Stmidis replied 2546 days ago

What breed of cat do you want the most?

HONESTLY I DONT CARE I JUST WANT A BUG FLUFFY SOFT FUR CAT. all cat breeds are beautiful to me even The hairless ones but I would want the fluffiest one.

Stmidis replied 2546 days ago

Would you go to space if you were given the chance?

I die going on a 20 minute boat ride so no sadly....

Stmidis replied 2547 days ago

Favorite kind of animal?


Stmidis replied 2547 days ago

whats the most special memory you have with a friend?(any friend) sycamorelab

Probably the time I went to knotts with Damaris and didn't ride any rides but we got to talk to each other privately and just walk around the park eating snacks and enjoying each other's company taking it easy. That day still means a lot to me because that's when I knew we could trust each other fully.

Stmidis replied 2547 days ago 1

what kind of scenery do you prefer?

Ohh that's really hard but hmm I guess the usual pretty nature stuff like sunset on a ocean , stary sky in a calm rural area or city lights. And I kinda like soft sunlight while in the park in a small city area / cold air blowing by in the same areas. I just like places where the air and sky are always clean and fresh.

Stmidis replied 2547 days ago

how much do you love retocyan...


Stmidis replied 2548 days ago

how overdramatic is shingancrimsonz on a scale from 1 to 10


Stmidis replied 2548 days ago

if you were jesus who would you kill

I don't step outside my house but I guess people who truly don't have remorse when they do drastic things like ruin life's and such id let fate go shtty for them and give them one last chance if they do change after all the sht I let fate put them through bc of. Their shtty actions I'll let them live but it won't be a perfect life but it would have redemption but if not then I would kill them off.

Stmidis replied 2548 days ago

Hey dm me on insta
I'd love to talk to you Nicholasaginger

Jesus fcking Christ kid you look 13

Stmidis replied 2548 days ago 1

is there anything actually negative and or problematic that crow has done

God call me a nerd bc I know almost everything about that dude but yes. He is kinda like a kid so he does let rude remarks slip out and doesn't care if it offends people. The most good example of this was in season 1 when aion wasn't really doing so well emotionally but crow kept on mocking him and picking at the negative things aion kept talking on about. While the other guys told crow to knock it off he didn't until the point where it hurt aion enough to leave the room and when crow realized what he did he still refused to apologize and even help aion. It wasn't until the end of the episode where he learns that's not okay since you know guilt hits all of us but that scene kinda proves that crow doesn't really care about your emotions unless he really does like you because of his big ego and stubborn personality. But he learns and he's different in season 2 on how he treats the people close to him and even mutual friends.

Stmidis replied 2548 days ago

what do you look for in a relationship? sycamorelab

Well someone who's willing to look past my awkward side and understand the things I do and overall just be really patient with me. patience is a big key with getting along with me irl I slip up a lot and say a lot of things that go over my head. I also want someone I can help and encourage someone who has my back while I know I can have theirs too someone who knows what they want let me tell you with me being direct and confidence is key I want someone who is Not afraid to be them
And do things. And overall I want a relationship were we don't have to always talk and go out of our way to be a thrilling partner someone I can laugh with and someone I can just lay down without saying any words. And of course the usual love and respect all relationships should have.

Stmidis replied 2548 days ago 1