You are beautiful
Furthest youve gone with a guy?
Haven't done anything ✌️ Nun life bruh
Thoughts on jason s?
Nice guy, should kb soon ✌
well il ask when im ready lol :)
Okay then
wood u go out on a date if i was 20
Who do you have a crush on now??
No one
Have you ever done an***?
No thats fcken disgusting
any cute guys at work?
Haha nah not really
Worst thing that has ever happened to you ? And why
Haha to much sht and i dont no
what guy u into
Haha why ;) if you were the guy you would no
How do you deal with a break up ?
Get smashed
Why are you so perfect?
Im not
I think you have a well shaped b*m, would you agree?
Haha i dont no maybe?
wood u ever come to the 420 rally with me lol
I want to go to 420 ✌ i dont no who u are lol
If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?
What do you believe happens after a human dies ?
Who was your first crush ?
Lol i cant even remember :/
Even though you're young if you could choose someone to live the rest of your life with ¿
I dont no, i just want to be happy. Whoever comes into my life n sweeps me of my feet :p
Miss anyone from cobram?
A few
What could you talk about forever?
If you could only choose 5 people to have in your life forever who would it be ¿
Who can you count on to make you smile :)
I don't no :/
Why are you are a dirty junkie scrag?
Hahaha don't no why am I? Get a life you judgemental ****. Obviously you don't no me
What's the best thing that has happened to you in the last month ?!¿¡
If you could add a feature to qooh.me what would that be?
Location location location
Are you with someone (dating) ?
Nope :P
U got a bf
Nope I haven't :)
Your so lovely I don't know why people bad mouth you
Who bad mouths me? I don't even accoiciate with people
Just wait and see for yourself :$ Time will bring the information you are seeking k bye
Hahaha okay matey. it couldn't be that bad
Wait and see!time will hide his secrets and the real boy will come out to play
What do you mean by that?
Danyon is a dog and that is all he will ever be in life
Wow okay then didn't expect that,
He Hasn't done anything wrong by me.
Questions must be answered that's why !!
Haha okay was just asking geeez
Who do you talk to most these days ?
Probably Danyon & Family. Why?
What is best thing that has happened to you in the last month?
Can't even remember what happened yesterday. But probably just having good company around me.
i need to meet you!
I don't like meeting new people
Do you ever send nudes, obviously to the right person at the right time, but do you?
No way! Nudes are overated.
I want you in my arms!!!!!
Agh ok then
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
12 that's when I was last happy
It's only wrong if you haven't done it
Hahaha ew that's chat
You need Jesus
Ever s*cked a horse off
Hahahahaha what the actual ****. That's wrong on so many levels.
Why are you so beautiful
I got it from my mama
Who do you talk to most
The last thing you bought ?
Tamara I miss you so much hope to see you soon
That's cute
How'd you loose so much weight lol
Ah healthy eating and excercise
why dont we talk or see eachother ever?!?!?!?!?!! Beserqr
I don't no.
What's your favourite colour
You have an colorful personality and amazing looks
Awww... Thankyou?
Your beautiful :-)
ahhh boo, how are you ?
Ahhhh boo, im good how are you??
your pretty cute and have an awesome personality <3
Thankss (::
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
My selff'
Thoughts on Casey Paterson?
Beautiful && and i love her eyes :P
Hey tamara how are you
Heyy annon :P im good actually hbu
What have you learned today?
Ummm, nothin
Would u date me?
I dunno who u are.
Your kind, nice to talk to, and you are very attractive <3
Aww thanks likewise (;
Thoughts on Zach macartney?
Tbh dont no him
Because you are a hottie :)
ohh,, thankss. :P
You should upload more photos on fb.
Upload more photos :P
Snapchat name?
What makes your mom awesome?
That she moved to dandy`.
All of your pics on facebook are hott :P
Ahh thanks..
se*y new picture on facebook
Nice video of u singing
Dudee. Im not just gunna do it straight away man shieet lol
When is the video going up
Dunno soon
Should put a video on facebook so i can hear u sing
Okay suree (:
I did not know u can sing
Lol yeahh i can
Are you going on x-factor next year
yeaaah mannn.
I miss u se*y
Whos this??
list 10 girls or less that you miss from lyndale?
What u doing
Eating hbu??
Thanks tamara i will talk to u when ever
Name 3 people you trust?
Me me n me.
I really like u tamara your so sweet and geart to talk to
Aww thanks talk whenva u want??
So damn cute
Aww thanks whos this
Damn it tamara why do you have to be so damn hot for
thought's on Rory Heaton?
In primary he was my big brother;;
But i dunno i havent seen him in so long ):
But he was always funny and always made me smile
Yout hot as ;)
Thanks mann(:
Y dont u just ask zoe if your still friends
Ahh. Because..
Yea it is cool that your se*y
What happened to make you not sure if your still friends with zoe
Ahh. Dunno..
Worst Mistake You ' ve ever Made ?
Are you still friends with zoe
Ummm. I dunno. I waanna be but dunno..
how are you?
Im greatt actually hbu (:
Cant tell u
Does it start with n?2
Have u ever had se* before
No ima nun
Y do u want to know
Just want ta no??