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Tanya Ridley


don't go being all dirty :| haters , please hate ;) !! ask anything*

16 Replies

Aaaah dam I keep doing that its this phone mxm


Tanya_Leigh replied 4149 days ago

Tanya I love u lots and u wouldn't bilieve who this is and if u knew u wouldn't want it to be,I know u go through tuff times now and then but ur strong ,just remember things have gotta get bad b4 they can get good prestonray

I know exactly who yu are , yu didn\'t send this Anonymously Preston !
I know exactly what I am and I know how things are supposed be and how they are*

Tanya_Leigh replied 4149 days ago

Hey Tanya I just wanted to say your an amazing girl that deserves a lot hope your good... Love you loads stay amazing!=D <3 :*

Hey :)*
Thanks so much , really means a lot to me ♡ *

Tanya_Leigh replied 4156 days ago

Only i am allowed to look at your boo*s:D right tanya?? ℓσℓ thanks for the piiins({}) btw its Claudio now not Sage:P......✗✗✗ PiccoloClaudio

Hahaha ja ja of course x_x:P
Pleasure bubz ;)({})
Haha I\'ll remember :D xx

Tanya_Leigh replied 4156 days ago

Haha hey tanz people love your boo*s don't they -_- haha loves you and I wonder who is this dude that's inlove with your boo*s ;) hehe jaw you see people do like you ...

Hahaha its weird people =d loves yu too!!
I wish I know :| ..ahaha nope *

Tanya_Leigh replied 4157 days ago

I can't tell Ʊ who I am but I was a year behind u in boskop nd told u how big ur boo*s are!

First letter of yur name ?

Tanya_Leigh replied 4158 days ago

No I don't mean it rude but u have got really nice ones nd I would kill 2 have a girl like u nd not just for boo*s cz u a really awesome fun speatcular person love annomys

Please tell me who you are then maybe it won\'t be so weird for me =)) and umm again thanks guess :s

Tanya_Leigh replied 4158 days ago

U have got the biggest nicest t*** ever!

WTH =)) x_x * weird people ey :s
But thanks I think :/
Now stop looking :| =))

Tanya_Leigh replied 4158 days ago

So My Tinya:D you aamaziingg <3 don't ever change for any stuck up guy that wants you too change:P stay short,beautiful,funny like a pinky hair bunny & as you are thank you for everything you've done for me! Luffs you lots and lots of laughing gas tots:P Tovvz

My Gipsy :P aah thanks you <3 I won\'t -_- I\'ll stay a mini person :D thank yu for alles yu always do for me!* luffs yu more than lots and tots of laughing gas :D x

Tanya_Leigh replied 4158 days ago

Hey #MeOtherHalf just know yewr amamzing. (^-^). && of people give yew sh!t!!* shoot em in the head :| hehehe :P love yew me bestie !* ♥♡

#MyOtherHalf ♡ thanks ;;) (^_^) .
I\'ll just send zombie\'s to attack them :D -_- haha :P
Love yu ♥ ♡

Tanya_Leigh replied 4158 days ago

Started from the bottom now we here!!! #Hehehe!! Thought I'd irritate you with your least favorite song :P
Loooooveeee you!

Agggg yu as*!! Hate it !

Loveeeeee yuuu 222!!

Tanya_Leigh replied 4202 days ago

Hey my #pinkypromise.. So guess who's birthday it is tomorrow!?? HAPPY BDAY my friend (for tomz) haha love you #pinkypromise

Thanks my #pinkypromise!! ♥ gang love for yu

Tanya_Leigh replied 4206 days ago

b*mz:D guesss Who

boo*z:D I don\\\'t know x_x

Tanya_Leigh replied 4206 days ago

What to ask Tanya?Uhh, I was having a convo about you not with you! Stop ease dropping! Its rude! Now look I just wasted my Q teaching some manners!! Lol! Love you lots like chicken pox

Hahahaha okay?? =)) who is this ??

Tanya_Leigh replied 4209 days ago

Haya tAnz! Just spreading some love you amazing girl! Keep that amazing smile of yours! Never frown! Don't let anyone intimidate you! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL my friend* stay amazing * much love snoOkz

Awww thanks Crysten** :) x really appreciate and same goes to yu my friend ey always x **
Much love x

Tanya_Leigh replied 4213 days ago