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HALO.... well pls ask me anything but pls don't be someone that hates !!!!:)//if you have the guts too say it anonymously you can say it with your name showing aswell :)

278 Replies

You people are really mean3-| please get a life and stop irritating Tovae...
Missing you 2 :(♡xx

Thanks <3

Tovvz replied 4113 days ago

So tell me something. Why u ignoring people when they try to talk 2 you huh? But you can update you status but can't reply? WTF

Just because you send me a messages doesn't mean I have too answer you

Tovvz replied 4113 days ago

Tovae deserves what she's getting, shes a good girl n can be a Bit** sometimes, and she does think she's better than other, sowi tho

Thanks :)!

Tovvz replied 4113 days ago

Hey u Pu**ys back away from Tovae u fuc*ing idiots dont be jelouse coz u cant be her FFS she the best girl youll eva meeet so back off damnnn

Thankks you!::)

Tovvz replied 4115 days ago

You're a fat Bit** that thinks u all that!!!!! Get a life please,, your shi* stinks too okay:), don't think you're better than others cause you're gonna get hit lil girly=))

I'm waiting for that hit :)!

Tovvz replied 4115 days ago

Gee guys stop being so nasty 2 Tovae!! She's a great person and I've known her since grade 0 so step away Bit**es!! And if you wanna say something nasty to her say it to her face and you have 2 come thru me 1st

Thank you!
Misses you!:(

Tovvz replied 4115 days ago

And uu should rather get back to Earth and realise you're not all that, and get ur mood straight, dnt greet me when u want to and other days ignore me, I will say a few things I'll regret;)

I didn't leave Earth sweetzz xxx

Tovvz replied 4115 days ago

Soo like for real:) stop being a Bit** and think you're better than others and the sun shines out of ur as*, coz here's some news it doesn't

Okay seriously I know I'm a Bit** whoop whoop :) !! Bhutt jahh that's me ;);)

Tovvz replied 4115 days ago

You might not remember me but I dnt care just wanted to say enjoy your life

Thank you! And I do remember you!

Tovvz replied 4139 days ago

Why u such a slu*

Pls explain how I am one :)!

Tovvz replied 4139 days ago

My Gipsy :D
Housie never ever ever EVER :| change for nobody -_-
Stay YOU!! Because you is unbelievably amaziiiiinnnggg <3
I luff yu ♡ Tanya_Leigh

I sheld not do that:P

Tovvz replied 4158 days ago

Did you try to make me jealous with him?? The (new guy) L

No I would never do that :)

Tovvz replied 4158 days ago

How'd u get to be so beautiful???

Hehe awww well I guess its Gods creation and all of us are all beautiful!

Tovvz replied 4158 days ago

Who are the prettiest girls on your bbm?

Well every girl that I\'ve got on bbm is beautiful:) none are pretty they all beautiful!

Tovvz replied 4158 days ago

Who do u really like?

A guy that I\'ve met recently :)!

Tovvz replied 4158 days ago