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New kicks and g strings
Backpacking through Europe
Practical life skills
I honestly have no idea
Happiness. Not yet.
Stressing over money
Mmmmm no
Mmm yeah no rather not
Staying alive.
Travel, shop, give gifts.
Tinky, and ryan gosling HAHAHAHA
My eye colour, and my t/its man
Lol f u qooh
We were moving house the next day and nobody was doing anything hahah
Lose weight, meet my baby sibling, get my p's and a car, learn how to be confident and love myself.
73 kilos heavier
My eye colour
For myself, my family and friends to be safe and happy.
They would be closer to me
As happy as possible.
Losing my mumma
A swim in the river followed by good food, my fave tv shows and movies in a marathon and the comfiest bed ever
Caffeine, coke in particular.
long flowing pretty skirts and dresses
I think it's absolutely awful, I wish there was more I could do to help. It just makes me so upset and angry to think about, I don't know why this stuff is still an issue in first world countries in 2014, it's ridiculous and wrong.
rude people
Long enough to find happiness
Something that made me happy to go to work and made me lots of $$$
My mumma and my tinky winky
Somewhere beautiful
Daniel Radcliffe rapping, hands down.
to chill the **** out for ten bloody minutes
Cass and I are fine??
ummmm, I actually don't know!
One of the lame iphone ones
Ummmmm, oh god I dont knoe
Okie doke, thanks for letting me know I suppose??? Got no idea who you are, could've at least told me straight out but cheers hey.
174% mummy's girl.
I honestly don't know!
I barely ever take baths hahaha
Nana, my stepdad,
I agree but I'm naturally blonde and I'm realllllly sick of having dark hair and almost white regrowth, it's my hair and I have to live with it so stop ya bit/chin thanks :)
Yes of course, I would hope if that was me somebody would try to help.
You're such a lovely, clever girl, and so beautiful ah, some days I could punch you from jealousy hahahah in the nicest way possible. ;)
My family and frienddddddds
Game of Thrones.
Thanks sweetheart, it's hard not to take it to heart. x
I miss you my little sweet pea, love you long time. Xx
Aw, thank you so much. :) x
That I'm a nasty person. In truth I would give my friends the shirt off my back if they needed it, not really sure why everything thinks I'm awful.
'I'm fine, it's not getting to me' lel
Why he lets so much c/unty s/hit happen
Yes and because I'm a jealous human being deep down :)
My education
If you don't see a point in saying it yourself then why say it? Knowing me?? I don't have battles, I avoid confrontation, but nobody else fights them for me when they need to be fought. And yeah I do think you're a c/unt, quit your b/itching and whinging and say it to my face or even just message me on Facebook, or don't bother saying another word.
I know I'm not a fantastic person, but I am certainly not a ball of hate. Anybody who knows me would tell you that it takes an awful lot to push me to hate anything, and sorry but unless you know everything that happened between Skye and myself and you know how it effected me, you can just shut the f/uck up, I would never seriously harm her. If you have something to say maybe you should muscle up and tell me yourself instead of hiding behind an anonymous button on a website, c/unt.
I'm gonna have to go with my bed, we spend every night together.
Listen to music, smoke.
Because I'm naturally blonde and I'm going back to blonde, I don't see the point and I don't have the time so xxx
That is the grossest thing I've ever heard
My eye colour
Because people are nasty and drama loving I suppose. I love you so much sis, you know it all goes to heart though.
Cheers man bc this doesn't get old at all :)
finally someone recognises my blackness
Why are you asking me this stupid ****, are YOU twelve?
You bet
no thanks, not desperate enough ever
Cheers mate xx
HAHAHAHAHAHA not visible ones, pretty obvious I'm a natural blonde.
Thick to me means stupid haha I'm sure you meant something else tho. Thanks hahah, everyone's at opposition over my body and it's getting slightly ridiculous.
Pudgy? Only one person I know says that.... Thank you, message me? X
Hahah, thank you! It's crazy how many times I've heard that lately hahah.
no thanks, people are ****ty and not okay
Message me? Thank you x
Thanks honey, much appreciated xo
Whenever I'm really tired?
Thank you sweetheart, not feeling it x
Again, **** you. I do what I can around my back, sometimes the pain gets so bad that I can't walk so a suggestion to just 'move my body' is probably not helpful huh. And no actually I don't constantly post about that. I go to school, I work, I babysit, I don't stay in bed all day anymore, which by the way is a result of chronic pain and depression. Whoever you are, I hope you feel like an ***hole because you've already ruined my day before it's begun, c/unt.
Okay yeah nah sorry but **** you. I have chronic back pain, meaning almost any exercise hurts like a mother ****er and feels like my back is going to snap. I eat pretty healthy and I do what I can so how about you keep your opinions to yourself because you have no idea.
I will worry about my weight until I can say I am satisfied with what stares at me in the mirror. Thanks anyway.
Cockiness, nastiness, lack of care, bad personal hygiene.
Tired and ouchie as usual, thanks for asking.
Totally off limits, no thank you, one way only.
Are you for real, every person has nipples, use your imagination perve.
Lol can't eat anonymous *****