Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I'm not Red.
U wot
I'm sorry, I do not recognise that number. Please try again.
I feel like that's missing a number
Nope. I'll tell you if you get it right
She's an awesome and nice person :) We should catch up some time
I want enough time to be able to do everything I want to do
Thanks :D
I may be or I may not be. I also may or may not be in a relationship with my Xbox jks
Which one? xD
It's a mystery...
There's really not anyone in particular
Probably Hamish, Kelly and Max
My mum
Go home Gooby you're drunk
K Ham
Wow you're behind on the loop xD we've been dating for a month and a half
How was I meant to know you're lactose intolerant!?
Just the tip...
Id love to s*ck yours ;) I'm so glad you picked me over that f** Hamish
Same as me Gooby. That's why I'm fat :)
Gooby, I lift more than you!
Be careful, you're entering the DANGER ZONE
Shut up Gooby. Go buy me a V you super****
s*ck a **** Ham your troll picked me over you
Yay :D now I can have some fun It's about time the troll came back
I walked 500 miles and I would walk 500 more
And you are?
stfu gooby go s*ck on a goon bag
It may be good but it ain't good for you
oh yea bro u so much better than me u got dat swag and u all like yolo 420 blaze it get wasted smoke all the weed
lmao you think this is ruining our friendships? Seriously? We've banded together against you so whatever you're trying to do, it's not working. Just give up already. You won't win this fight.
haha well that just says it all doesn't it?
Well that's good for you. Now if you were actually tellin the truth there then you would stop sending messages annonymously and actually have the guys to show who you really are
I wouldn't be surprised if this kid has a really bad life at home and that the only way to feel better is to insult other people anonymously. If you read this and it is true, that really s*cks. I know what it feels like but you don't have to do this kind of stuff
Ok can you please use spellcheck or auto correct or something!? It's hurting to read this crap. I'd really love it if you told me who you are and also how am I saying that I'm weak? Also the fact that you saw someone crying in a corner and laughed means you're probably a horrible person and you should be ashamed of yourself. I wonder what your parents would think of you if they knew all of this?
lmao no BOTH
That's just not cool...why do you stay annonymous?
Well that could be because she doesn't need the support of anyone because she's not weak
Captain America. Is this Moheid?
Such tough, many badass
Yeah! Wolves are awesome :D Glad someone else here knows that
No, I just like wolves because they can rip people's throats out :)
You're fat? That's cool :) I don't really care that much though
haha nice one That one hurt a lot but it didn't hurt as much as it will when I sit on you :D
Excuse me, what do you have against the LGBT community? What did they ever do to you?
Thank you random stranger :D
Why would you even care if she has or hasn't (she hasn't by the way)? You should probably keep an eye on your own weight. You're gonna be too fat to move soon xD
She's not ugly. Why do you keeps saying she's ugly when you obviously need to look in the mirror?
Oh no that's so bad. Yeah she could be but think...who is the bigger loser? The one being called a loser or the one sitting there like a coward over the Internet calling someone a loser?
haha nope It just means that ill have to have some more fun Also, she's just as beautiful as ever, unlike your ugly mug...
Oh yeah so much fun right there. We can make Ham sandwiches to feed the starving children in Africa because your fat as* keeps eating all the god damn food!
I'm actually getting a good laugh out of this. They can't even insult me well...
Oh yeah totally I mean look at mine they're so huge omg I actually hold the world record for biggest boo*s
Yeah. Wanna help?
Ill try my hardest xD
I know. Just watch my page for the lulz
I'm great :D how are you Beccy?
Why thank you :)
Yep and you're the one sitting there watching me and getting of on it
I like trains
I was joking. I wouldn't touch the hole where your little cretinous face came out with a 100m pole.
I can give you some Ham :D
Not nearly as much as I got your mum to last night
You are just so brilliant aren't you?
bro I lift like sah much more than you
Not even this one deserves one.
Not dignifying this with a response
omg no Harry Potter references
Shut up Gooby
wtf is with you? Stop trying to get off on this it's really weird
I do. Not even going to bother with a proper response with this one.
Well isn't your English and grammar just great? Also, try to stay consistent with your stuff. First you were asking why I'm dating her, then you were attacking her and now you're asking/stating stuff that is my business only? You are a genius! (SARCASM SEEING THAT YOU SEEM TO BE LACKING A BRAIN) But seriously, why are you even trying still? You just enjoy being a cowardly troll who happens to know how to barely type and use a know where I came from? 4chan Trolling originated there and they had a saying to help people like you..."Don't feed the trolls." I am a pure blood troll who knows how to get under anyone's skin. You do not want to try and out troll I suggest you end this silly cowardly masquerade and stop attempting to annoy me because I will continue to send witty quips back at you.
That was beautiful :')
I actually struggled to understand what I just read. You really should invest in a dictionary and a thesaurus and take some time out of your pitiful day to learn how to use correct English :)
Well good job. Your brilliant use of the phrase "step crew" has just limited down the possible list of people this is. Also, I never said anything abou the rest of the group. I just stated that it is my job to be able to defend my girlfriend whether she needs it or not. Also, you really need to start using a proxy to send these "anonymous" messages. It's really not the best of ideas to do this to someone with my set of 'skills'. Also, unless you were implying that I am the "step crew" then you should probably re-phrase and re-think your questions before you ask them.
Well i just love your use of the English language. It's just so brilliant. To put it nicely, you are starting to become a thorn in my side and your 'questions' are at that of a pre-school level. My "*****" as you put it or as I like to put it, my girlfriend doesn't need my help but it is my responsibility to help protect her as that is the right thing to do. Honestly, if all I have to do it respond to idiotic questions such as this, then it looks like I have an easy job. Also, my girlfriend can easily handle herself but I like to be mature enough to take it upon myself to defend her.
Well first of all, she's not my "*****" she's my girlfriend. Secondly, I will defend her at all costs so I would recommend if you have something to do with that stuff that you cease all involvement in it.
Once again, I shall refer you to the previous answer I gave to this question. Because I like her. It is usually the pre requirement for dating someone you know...there's probably not much of a point of dating someone you don't like so I'd recommend you use some simple logic to answer your own questions before asking them :)
Eg? I may assume you as you've taken the time out of your life to leave a message such as this but at the same time it makes me skeptical as to why you're wasting your time doing this. Also, I'm happy with Tam so sorry to dissapoint you
Well why did you date your last boyfriend? Because you liked them. It's simple logic which really doesn't require much thought power. I'm pretty sure even google could tell you that :)
Not as perfect as you :3
What swagginess!?