Get off the pingerz!
Want some?
Thoughts on Jason Cogger
Did you love punching cones in the back of old red cars at parties? Hahah ;)
****ing hell I don't smoke cones ghee
Thoughts on chris Psaila
Good bloke good to hang out with and funny as **** when you have a dooby
Do you like how kayasha hangs around chris so much?
Don't mind it I trust kaysha and if Chris tried something I'd break his legs nothing personal ;)
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
****ting on your mum
got ya eye on anyone?
Have u had*ex?
Only with my dad
Is there school tommorow
I think I'll stay home n have a cone
What are ya thoughts on Amy Walker, ya f***** ;)
She tried to rape me on the train and then says she is going to bash me
But that's cool ;)
The greatest moment in your life ?
The first time I came
Thomas the tank engine, ;)
That's right
Awh your such a beautiful person ☺️
Thank you :)
Who is this?
You and kaysha still together?
Yes :)
Thoughts on Olivia Ward Shania Vella and Chloe Golding
Olivia: Dontno you but you're boyfriend hates me
Shania: you seem nice good looking
Chloe: you're nice good looking
You and your Girlfriend are so cute
Thanks you :)
Thoughts on kelly lane
She is nice and funny good to talk to
And pretty :)
If only you were single :(
Taken 4 ever
I pleasured myself over you
That's nice
gay ****
I will rape you're mother
yep :) it is lewis m8 :)
I know you well ;)
do you even stack?
Nah **** I knock myself out and do it well.
You got a fun sized **** buahaha.
I know
Tell me an erotic story.
Helps me sleep m8
One time I was walking done the street got raped by a big black falla then got shot and this is my ghost speaking
I'm on a diet, let me get a taste with avocado ?
I've been raped you don't no what it's like it's noting like being on a diet
12 or 6 inches?? :p
7 ask Kaysha she knows for sure
What's ***?
Ask you're mother
How big dat Dic*??
It's like a sub from subway
gonna try nose manuals again? haha miss riding with ya man!!
Yeah first trick I'm going to do when I'm back cuz
Why does everyone think your hot it's cooking me sick ;)
Because I am and I have a huge ****?
happy birthday 2pac
2 PAC dead bro
How many people you had se* with
Nah I'm scared that once you find out how ugly I am you would never talk to me ://
No I want tell me
Nah trust me, you're beautiful
I would've called you hot or se*y but nah
Beautiful is more mature i guess
Thank you :)
Who is this?
thoughts on suicide ?
Depressing moments = depressing matters
Nah you're not trust me :)
Ok who is this
kaysha is so f***ing luck to have you! dont loose her man!
I'm not stupid
I wouldn't
I know thanks :)
I honestly don't know you in person but you're one beautiful guy :*
I'm ugly as
i want to s*ck you off at the next station
No m8
Im so jelly of yours and kaysh relationship! Arrg
Haha thanks??
Why are you so se*y man! Like your hot as, man oh man xo! Dayumm
Got it from my momma
I'm so jealous of your girlfriend! your so f***ing hot!!
You should be haha I'm all hers
you are so attractive im jealous o your girlfriend
Ok then
kaysha is a lucky f***er
She is!
And I am to :)
beautiful human
Thank you :)
Why are you and kaysha so perf man??
We just are ;)
hahaha so many people are ****s trying to break use up l0l
I know they are and they won't make us
How'd you break your collar bone?
Bike crash
What happened to you in hospital?
Broke my collar bone
Does it matter who it is?
Just wanted to know :)
You and Kaysha are perfect for each other! The relationship you too share is amazing!
She was really lucky to meet you!
Thank you:)
I know I am lucky to have her!
Who is this?!
I love your **** ;)
Of course you do Kaysha ;)
First thing u gunna do tommo wen ya arms better is come rampfest with me and dylan
In about 2 months
remember when we f***ed while you were dating kaysha?
Noo I wouldn't do that
i remember when kaysha had diarrea and i f***ed her in the as*, i pulled out with shi* on my Dic* then she s*cked it while i used a cu***ber as a di*do for your brothers as*hole
Hahahahahahagaha :")
Been alrite with the colarbone tommo hope ya not to bored
I'm not man thanks
When u coming back to school tommy?
Next week
Why cant I give u gobby?
Who are you?
does she give good gobbys :) reckon u could hook me up
No you dumb**** it\'s my girlfriend and she\'s the best
do u like recieving gobbys
Do u like getting gobbys
Yes by Kaysha
youve said it before.. talk shi* lol
Your a fat **** kill yourself
why do you think your so tough? if ya gonna hit someone why dont you actually do it?
I never said I was going to hit someone?
I have a broken collarbone I'm not hitting anyone lol
Why would you cheat on Kaysha she perf!
I didn't?
Kaysha would look cuter with me !
You would love the taste of my ****
What will I do as ya Bit**
Fix my broken collarbone
can I be your Bit** :)
thoughts of muhammed kurgas?
Good at bmx should talk more he is to quite
f*** the haters!
Ill punch on with my right arm
Thoughts on Karlee Farrall??
Dontno her
too bad when you broke your collar bone it didnt come out and stab straight through your neck and though youre brain. p.s your girlfriend has been cheating on you hahaha i know who with!!
Haha I'm sure.
Who then be a man and tell me.
when you hurt your collare bone did you cry like a girl
No I was knocked out and I like woke up in an ambulance.
If you could f*** anyone who would it be ?
Megan fox
Is Kaysha good in bed ? kayshababyy
Asking me that question Kaysha ;)you are
Do you know the meaning of love ?
Feel a deep romantic or se*ual attachment to someone...
Are you sore from yeaturday? And hope you heal soon!
Thursday* and yes I am thanks :)
Do you actually "love" Kaysha?
Hahahahahahaha your a thief
Don\'t give a f*** ill steal your car
Thought on Rasta Dylan ;)
Dylan do something with you\'re life
how many Bit**es you f***ed?
Im a virgin
Haha, your not even good at bikes !
I no
Why are you a f*****?
Your a gay **** will
Why is your girlfriend check in on Facebook with a bunch of guys
She\'s with her friends
Is this the shi* u were talkin about tommo lol
Yeah tim? Hahahaha
I love you babey boy your so amazing and I would never cheat on you so f*** the haters <3
I love you to <3
ride again bro :( you were good, and you will get better! dont quit
Who ever this is i do ride still?