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Ask away.

19 Replies

What do you do when you angry?

Listen to music really loud

TonyTurtle replied 3834 days ago

One thing you like about yourself?

I have an obsession with my hair does that count

TonyTurtle replied 3839 days ago 1

Who inspires you?

The short answer is Zack Merrick and Tony Perry and the long answer is a 500 page essay listing millions of people and why they inspired me. Let's just stick to the short answer

TonyTurtle replied 3851 days ago 1

What is the saddest thing in life?

That people are ****ing stupid

TonyTurtle replied 3859 days ago

Name your closest Guy friend and girl friend

Girl: Tynah (I talk to her pretty much every day for hours on end) Guy: Jordan

TonyTurtle replied 3879 days ago

Name a person you lied to today

A person named Mia

TonyTurtle replied 3882 days ago


I choose you, Foovana.

TonyTurtle replied 3884 days ago 2

What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?

Alot of things.......

TonyTurtle replied 3884 days ago

What do you s*ck at?

Most things......Being normal mostly

TonyTurtle replied 3887 days ago

Mia❤️❤️ JemimaSmith

Jemima <3

TonyTurtle replied 3887 days ago 1

honest thoughts of jemima

I love Jemima to bits. I won't be here today without her. She has been with me through thick and thin and I love her for it. She is a babe with an amazing iTunes library and I love that I am able to be myself around her and know that I won't be judged.

TonyTurtle replied 3892 days ago 1

honest thoughts of svetlana

All i'm going to say to this is 'King for a Day'

TonyTurtle replied 3892 days ago

Honest thoughts on tynah?

Good job on someone actually spelling Tynah's name right. I love Tynah, she is amazing, smart and just a great person to be around and she has a amazing taste in music.

TonyTurtle replied 3892 days ago

What is your opinion on the current crisis of lack of people having interest in pop punk and post hardcore music?

Well you my dear have just asked one of the best questions I have ever heard...... I don't really think it is a crisis that people don't listen to one of the best types of music. It is more to do with their outlook on life and their opinions. To be honest if someone likes different music to me i'm not going to judge them.

TonyTurtle replied 3892 days ago

favorite song of all time?

Well, I have over 5 days worth of music. Anyone willing to help me pick?? :p

TonyTurtle replied 3897 days ago