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541 Replies

A lot of women near you want $ex! Make sure yourself - sign up here gail2227

Wh04 r34lly, th4nks d00d ima g0 do tht r1te na0w

Vashaa replied 2856 days ago

hows life

yeah not bad thanks person from 140 days ago

Vashaa replied 2856 days ago

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

I have my reasons

Vashaa replied 3048 days ago

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


Vashaa replied 3212 days ago 1

What was your first relationship like?


Vashaa replied 3223 days ago 1

How old will you be in 2030 ?


Vashaa replied 3246 days ago

What's the dumbest thing you've ever spent money on?


Vashaa replied 3249 days ago

Say hypothetically you have a GF, and this guy --> slaps her on the A$$, what do you do?

She's his now nothing I can do. Back to being single

Vashaa replied 3276 days ago

When was the last time you got angry and why?

At work just then and just because of someone I work with :/

Vashaa replied 3276 days ago

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

no-one rn

Vashaa replied 3277 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

My computer

Vashaa replied 3280 days ago

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

school c:

Vashaa replied 3283 days ago

Who do people always say you look like?

My Father, at his work I'm called "little Mick"

Vashaa replied 3286 days ago

if you had to delete either rocket league, GTA5 or BO3, what one would you delete and never play again????????

GTAV easy, only fun atm bc of the VIP update. But that'll get boring pretty fast tbh

Vashaa replied 3292 days ago

If you could forget one thing, what would it be?

Not a clue tbh, there's a decent amount I'd probably like to

Vashaa replied 3292 days ago