Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?
Ford falcon XY
Who would you like thank today and what for?
Bree for sending a big loving message
Why do you answer stupid questions like the ones before. THATS asking for trouble......
Cause why the hell not
would you **** me????? only if you didn't have Bree.
If I wasn't dating Bree idk depends on who you are inbox and I'll tell ya if I would or not
who would you be dating if you weren't dating Bree right now
Um maybe rach but idk I would probs be still single idk
Why do you think the grass is green and the sky is blue?
If the colours where opposite would they still be called the same thing?
Because that's the way god wanted it ha ha lol jks that's bull **** I think it's like that so it brightens your day and makes you feel happy :)
i love you baby, i am happy we are together. you have been there when i needed you most and you have had to deal with my mood swings. thank you baby for everything you have done. i love you baby. xoxoxoxoxox Greendragonfly
I love you to baby, same here baby. So have you baby for me and you have had to deal with my part depression. Your welcome and thank you back for everything you have done. I love you more :P. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
How long have you been with Bree? How long do you think it will last?
5.5 months and not totally sure but I'm pretty sure it will last longer then my last but I would like it to last till we die but yeah you never know. Why you ask? inbox
If you could go back in time to change something. What would you change to be different?
I wouldn't change anything because I wouldn't be who I am or with who I'm with.
Who do you miss right now?
My best friends but mainly my baby girl
Would you stil love me when I am no longer young and beautiful Greendragonfly
Yes of course I would I don't love you for your looks I mean I love that your a very beautiful girl but the main thing I love is you your personality and who you are so I don't care how old and wrinkly you get I will always think your beautiful and love you till the day you die
When I say love what/who do you think of.
I think of two people walking in the sun set hand in had and I think of my beautiful girlfriend bree
Aww :( I'm sorry but I'm not single please inbox me so we can talk and I probs do notice you it just doesn't seam like it
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
The people that I trust the most
Which girls do you want to kiss right now?
Maddy, Laura and Erica
Do blind people have dreams?
Yes of course they do their just like normal people if they walked around with their eyes shut
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Fun kind and outgoing
Who are you dating currently
I'm not dating anyone
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
That I kisedmy bro on the lips at school