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i pedal my bike dose that count
My bike anyone who knows me would know that
this is in order 1. Tameeka 2. Izzy hurley 3. Sophie smith 4. Richelle Saunders 5. Rebecca Simmons 6. Taliah unthank
Your perfect!
Warm bodies, friends with benifits or any off the older adam sandler movies like big daddy, billy madison
i likeee you!
theres nothing like a good lamb chop :D
there both pretty! but it's the personatly that counts most!
Iphonessss <333333
sure do!
There's heaps! maybe when i land a really hard trick on my bike and all my mater scream and be lick fcuk yeah! haha such a good feeling and good memorys from it
Nah you are
name a fake girl ive gone for
suree did shes a beautiful girl! was worth waiting for her shes an amazing girl
Who's this? message me maybe we could be best friends again
Message me on facebook, ill tell you if i hate you? i bet i don't
At the skatepark years ago :)
Donno, haha depends who it was with and why we broke up
Your beautiful
hahah thankkks
shes a 12y
Awwwh thanks anon <3 ily message me on facebboooook :)
HAHAHAHA, soz i dont even own a scooter. and im pretty sure im doing something with my life? and bronxy ****? how about you say that one to my face waste off space look at you annon cant even come off it and respect i respect people i want to
me and him had the best childhood you could ever have was the best
hes alright, scooters dont suit him but he has fun on them so who am i to tell him to stop riding them
wouldnt call us close but were friends
jacksons alright, and used to be good friends with skilly hes a **** when hes drunk but alright when hes sober
hes like one off my best mates best kid going around! :)
always fight with her she can be a stuck up Bit** and a cow but she can be alright
we used to be so close we were like best friends then we had a fall out just started to talk again she can be a Bit** but normally a good person
Ummm, theres alot haha!
naaawh thanks ans i probs dont hate yaa
shes hawwt
none your f***ing bussiniessssss
we used to be really close shes beautiful and a good chick to get along with
pffft fords got nothing on holdens
shes cute, great to talk to, shes a beautiful person, funny and amazing :)
nooone ;(
well if this is a chick i have no clue sorrrrry
shes reallly nice
She's cute as, great to talk to an amazing person to talk to if your ever down has amazing eyes and her boyfriend is a lucky guy!
hello beth
Vic payne, Jayde
Shes pretty, always have good chats with her and she has an amazing personalty :)
haha Benalla* and iam :D
I wish :((((
Taylah smith?
i miss you too anon
Hahaha who is this?
she can be really immature but when shes not shes an amazing girl
we will go with that then matey
I think you ment so? and im not, but i try to ride as much as i can and be better then i was yesterday
nah, i don't disslike her we get along shes nice :)
shes really pretty and nice :)
how about willllllyb?
Skye but she was always pretty, Chloes pretty aslwell
She's amazing! great person
im like that to 99.99 % off the world im not judgemental or nasty, i just tell it how it is tell them what i think off them rather then lie to them
iphone fo sure easyer to use better looking more covers for them easy to get parts for and there just better
Lochie Wileman, Colby butler there the only 2 people close with them both there like brothers got there backs 100% like they do for me!
well maybe if you told me who you are i might how would you know i don't feel the same way
i'd probably miss you too if you told me who you were
Tell me who you are then...
Maybe if you told me i'd know who you were..
only for 2 off my mates i know would do the same for me!
that tameeka is pretty *exy ;)
Great haha :)
Don't really know her that well but shes nice :)
She's really cute, great to talk to has an amazing personalty and a beautiful smile :)
never got a message
who is it?
Inbox me and tell me who you are
message me on facebook and tell me who you are?
okkay ;)
Shes a pretty cool chick, we used to date ages ago, and were still friends i think haha
Awh, thanks anon! and why take **** from people! fukc the haters!
noone has my heart and never really have one girl was close
Because the girl lied about alot off stuff and made up stuff about us