too ***** to put your name to it don't bother!

487 Replies

Just today? What about the past few weeks? Telling her he loves her then staying at your house. Worse part is you knew and you didn't care how it made her feel..

I'll tell you right now I had no fcking idea until now!

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

he has been fcking you and jarvia around for weeks! And use both know about each other.. how pathetic are you that you keep going back..

I'm being shown messages to Jarvia him telling her that we are dating and today his blocked her if she would like to tell me other wish and show proof it would be a different story.

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

You forgot to mention brad + the other blokes

I think you're confused with someone else.

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

But at the same time. I don't know and I'm sure not many others do, about his personal life. He could be just as bad. Just really sad to see things go the way they have

It wasn't how things were planned at all unfortunately you can't force a relationship or respect.

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

Your boyfriend got bashed because he always puts his dck first Haha yet you and Jarvia still can't stay away from the piece of sht! He will cheat on you and lie to you and you will keep going back because your a dumb ****

You would know why he got bashed how? I trust him and if he breaks that trust them I'm gone but with no evidence to suggest otherwise I will continue to be happy with him.

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

Do you feel bad for Brody at all? Posting who you're sleeping with at the given time. Maybe keep some things to yourself because it couldn't be easy on him to hear these things being said considering you were dating for a while.

No I don't feel bad for Brody at all considering right at this moment his got some chick staying at the house we got together at the house I still pay rent an all my furniture and daughters stuff are so quite frankly he can go an fu k himself

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago 1

Come over and squirt in my mouth baby xx

Sure I'll squirt soap into your mouth get the dirty words out.

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

Your a filthy mutt

Love ya guts ?

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

Squirt on my face babe


Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

It's it's designed to ask anonymous question otherwise we'd just message people ? Just like snapchat is designed to communicate via photos dur


Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

Do yoy have kik? Or can you get it? ?


Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

I see someonegave your newest edition of a bloke a bit of a touch up hahaha

His still beautiful but and its not really anyone's business.

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

Coles slag

I have slept with 4 people from Coles mate.. I know a fair amount of girl who have slept with nearly all them

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

Being a **** is looking after yourself? You've slept with more then four guys this year ?

No I've slept with 3 this year Brody John and Trent, considering Brody and I were together from the 25th of December. Get your facts straight

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago

You are actually fcked. I thought you were getting better over the past couple months with brody but the last week shows you're still an Immature fck

The last week? HAHAHAHAH makes sense? I'm happily being myself and trying to look after myself and my daughter.

Yummymummy1 replied 2550 days ago