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Zack Crestani


Ask some questionssss

54 Replies

When was the last time you got angry and why?

Ameer have me aids

ZackCrestani replied 3103 days ago 1

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

Isis niggas

ZackCrestani replied 3106 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

Well one time I bought nudes off ameer so yeah that I guess

ZackCrestani replied 3109 days ago 1 1

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

Stopping him from fighting some kid ?

ZackCrestani replied 3112 days ago 1 1

Who do people always say you look like?

Ameer sameer

ZackCrestani replied 3113 days ago 1 2

What in your opinion, is a huge waste of money?

Paying ameer for $ex

ZackCrestani replied 3115 days ago 1

Your most embarrassing moment ?

When i asked for nudes off ameer

ZackCrestani replied 3128 days ago 1

What are you terrible at ?

Helping people

ZackCrestani replied 3132 days ago

What do you want for xmas ?

I want ryan to give me some strawberries

ZackCrestani replied 3133 days ago 2

You're such a fgt, rude piece of sht

Woah anon your such a savage

ZackCrestani replied 3137 days ago 3

Thoughts zack you ugly piece of shiatttttt? jassierose

Your a fkn mushroom ahaha nah your pre cool man

ZackCrestani replied 3137 days ago 1

Thoughts dckhead? Ameerkattt

Stupid arab.

Ahah nah i love you like a brother, sometimes your a dck head but i love you anyways xx

ZackCrestani replied 3139 days ago 1

Which song describes your mood today ?


ZackCrestani replied 3140 days ago

Yes you can do better then that stupid btch

Nah I don't think so

ZackCrestani replied 3202 days ago

You can do better then that stupid btch Eliza that **** has no boo*s and she has a saggy v*****

Can I?

ZackCrestani replied 3202 days ago 1