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Abuse & Amuse

328 Replies

What do you miss about your childhood?


_Emelie_ replied 3496 days ago

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?


_Emelie_ replied 3498 days ago

'Rat looking gronk'
**** braaaah you're a sickooo ayyyyyy teach me the we33d smoking language braahhhhh fukn gronk ay!!!11!1!11
Lol us leave you alone you're the one that keeps trying to find a way to contact us Huyoi

That's what she looks like :') You think you're so ****ing hilarious levi, posting pictures or Georgia on twitter. Funny ****. If i don't recall weren't you the one askingfor a sesh telling me not to tell tanisha?. You called me baked as **** telling me to s*ck your **** and that you love me and that I was yours, which I certainly wasn't and when I asked you about tanisha you said "what about her". You are the one inboxing me, you snapchatted me. I was done with you I didn't talk to the both of you until you attacked my inbox. You're both pure filth. You're ****ing disgusting that's why you suit each other so well you're both munted ugly looking ****s xx

_Emelie_ replied 3498 days ago

you're honestly the biggest lying s*** on earth, I'm happy with Tanisha and you need to realize that and **** off and stop bull****ting to try and break us up, because we all know if she did you would try come back to me lol Huyoi

**** off I'd rather have both my hands cut off than be forced to come back to you, you lying dog I have all the proof too say you did so pls **** off and kys. "I'm happy with tanisha" you used to tell me you couldnt stand her. I'm not tying to break you both up I'm not immature unlike you. Can you and your rat looking gronk of a girlfriend just leave me the **** alone?.

_Emelie_ replied 3499 days ago

I never fycking cheated on her what the **** I couldn't do that to anyone even if they were as worthless as you. Huyoi

Um I have screen shots of you saying you know i told James and molly you sent me nudes, you know what you did so don't ****ing lie.

_Emelie_ replied 3500 days ago

How do you want to end 2014 ?

Getting a job.

_Emelie_ replied 3501 days ago

The **** you on about I blocked you on Snapchat because you're an annoying little ***** Huyoi

Shut up you munted looking ****, you blocked me because you cheated on your girlfriend twice and wanted her not too find out. Call me a liar all you want but I have proof.

_Emelie_ replied 3501 days ago

I don't talk to you wtf I blocked you ages ago? Huyoi

No I blocked you on Facebook. You snapchatted me and when I told tanisha about the nudes you sent me you blocked me on snap chat.

_Emelie_ replied 3502 days ago

why don't you just leave levi alone

He talks to me I don't talk to him

_Emelie_ replied 3504 days ago

Leave my boyfriend alone, you stupid ****ing cow. He kissed you over 9 months ago now, get over it. He's moved on but apparently you haven't. He doesn't want to ****ing talk to you s just **** off.

Lol that's bull****

_Emelie_ replied 3504 days ago

How long do you want to live?


_Emelie_ replied 3519 days ago

What do you love the most?

Ahren stringer

_Emelie_ replied 3530 days ago

Just name 2 haha not that fkn hard

There's only one lolol

_Emelie_ replied 3533 days ago

name 2 from youth lol guys


_Emelie_ replied 3534 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?


_Emelie_ replied 3534 days ago