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51 Replies

J is so gorgeous ek wens ek kan vir jou die sterre in die hemel gee. Die pêrels van die diepste oseane. Die goud diamante van ons aarde, en met my hele hart sal ek vir jou al die liefde gee wat j kort.

Dm my asb ?

anzeller replied 2295 days ago

Awe djy suster

Melizza ?

anzeller replied 2298 days ago

Jys freakin goals ,maak my dood??❤

En jys freakin oulik, baie dankie ❤❤

anzeller replied 2313 days ago

My wishes to you are numerous, I wish you had my eyes to see your beauty, my heart to know the love I feel for you and my hands so that with every touch all you will feel is love.

? thanks

anzeller replied 2340 days ago

You are like fine wine with time getting more beautiful, like a sweet song that gives you the best of feelings. Like a cosy fire I just want to curl up next to you and stay warm.

Dm me ??

anzeller replied 2340 days ago

I don't want any drugs, I want to get high on you. I want to get drunk on your beauty, and be sobered up on your smile.

Thank you ❤ who is this ?

anzeller replied 2340 days ago

Hou op val vir alles wat ouens se girl.

Hm bly gou bietjie uit my besigheid.

anzeller replied 2342 days ago

How are you so hot???

No not really, but thank you ?❤❤

anzeller replied 2342 days ago

Do you shave or wax your v*****

Super kinderagtig ?

anzeller replied 2342 days ago

Hou op sassy met my wees. Ek soek jou vleis pyp.

? na.a

anzeller replied 2393 days ago

Hoe MelizzaR


anzeller replied 2396 days ago

Jy's vlippen hot. Ek soek jou vleis duifie ?

Hm neeeewat

anzeller replied 2407 days ago

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

That you can't use "gay" to insult someone

anzeller replied 2409 days ago

Do you have any tattoo's?

Not yet

anzeller replied 2411 days ago

Ek hoop nie jy en jp is weer saam nie

???????? okay.

anzeller replied 2416 days ago