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ashlee barnard


Ask me anything you like anonymously

33 Replies

Hi. Hi. Mis. Jou. My. Bff. Love u lots

Iss jou ook <3xxx

ashleebarnard replied 4312 days ago

HeY Mal Kint !!!! Ek mis al dai tye wat ons saam gekuier het toe ons klein was !! Ons was saam see toe en als !! MiSs jou baie !! :P

Lots of Love
Miguel Miggy2

Miguel <3 dit was sosin die beste tye van my lewe :D die see ding :p ons moet weer kyer ;) miss jou baieeee kint <3xxx

Loads of loveeeeee <3 :p xxx

ashleebarnard replied 4312 days ago

Hi dt is Anna. Ash ek mis jou kak baie en ek wens net ons kann weer kuier / net os Laerskool loop baan oor begin ek mis j rrg kak baie en onthou net een ding j is speshiaal nes j is wnt vr my is j my Suster love U ({}) :*

Heyy anna ek miss jou moer baie wens ons kan al ons goed oordoen :D veral veldskool :pxxx ditt was net iets om te onthou ;) bly net so amazing en pratig soos jy is :* xxx Love you loads kidd xxx

ashleebarnard replied 4313 days ago

Die persoon wat my 2de sussie sulke vieslike goed vra smeek om gebl*ksem te word!!!! Dis vlippen ongeskik! Miggy2

Miggy <3xxx

ashleebarnard replied 4313 days ago

Mis j hulle

Yea ... Vir antoinette

ashleebarnard replied 4313 days ago

Hi wie was j beste vriendin op laerskw

Elaine + antoinette. :)x

ashleebarnard replied 4313 days ago

Invite my weer op BBM asb. Ekt jou contact iewers verloor :]y

29CF7927 PieterSWA

Thanks sal so maak ;) :D

ashleebarnard replied 4314 days ago

Are yu moving ?

Another school .. Yea :)

ashleebarnard replied 4315 days ago

Why are u such A Dic* 2 Dylan ?

Sweety get your facts straight :) you clearly don\'t know anything ;)xxx this is between us , so I don\'t know why you wanna know :) enjoy your night ;) ...... MuchLove <3x

ashleebarnard replied 4315 days ago

Oh my word nou gan j weg!!!en dan gan ek ni kan lag in drama ni en ooki my leka hugs kry ni en uhg!!!!!!gan jw so baje mis!!!!! Love u ash en ons gan so kye al gan j weg...... J beter weet wi di is

Lariiiiiiiiiiiiien :p xx ek is mos nou baie lief vir jou :D xxxxxxx ek sal nooit ons stuff in drama vergeet nie <3 dit het my dae elke keer gemaak ;)xxx jy is soos net soo amazing like jy verstanie :)xxx ons gaan hard kyer jha :D xxx :* xx

ashleebarnard replied 4315 days ago

Hey my Bit** :* just wanna say I love you !!!!!!!!!* gonna miss you like craZy !!!!!!!!!* but thanks for all the amazing times with you !!!!!!!!* stay amazing ashy

Heyy my Cuuuuuntttt :D Xxx I love you so much don\'t forget that :pxX ima always be here 4 you bro , no matter what ;) xxx I\'m gonna miss you soooo flippen much ;\') stay amazing and beautiful :)xxx. Much Love <3

ashleebarnard replied 4315 days ago



ashleebarnard replied 4344 days ago

Thx for the time listening to my mix :P

Np :) was awesumm :p (y)

ashleebarnard replied 4350 days ago

Ashley. Jy hou mos van my nogsteeds na 5 jaar ;) :p ai. Ons het goeie tye gehad in graad 4.

Sad dat ons moes trek en later het julle actually tot heel naby aan ons getrek. ?

({}) PieterSWA

Heyyy :) jha nee ek stry nie met al die lekker dae in graad 4 nie

Ek miss jou nogals baie ... Ons moet deff bietjie weer plan maak jngii

Geniet skool ;)

ashleebarnard replied 4350 days ago

What u think of this mix? :P

Its amazing bro :D ;)

ashleebarnard replied 4350 days ago