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Ask me anything you like anonymously

135 Replies

Think you need to come on here more often lol

youre right anon. youre right

becolibe replied 3397 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

all of them hahaha

becolibe replied 3397 days ago

Why do you listen to **** music?

i like my music taste and enjoy myself at shows so why do you care? theyre not your ears

becolibe replied 3397 days ago

fav aus bands?

this is a pretty hard question but my absolute fave would have to be Something To Rescue, followed by Forever Ends Here, With Confidence, Move On Be Strong and After The Curfew

becolibe replied 3555 days ago

Would u **** me in the local toilets

no freaking way

becolibe replied 3555 days ago

U single?

no im not. i have a lovely boyfriend

becolibe replied 3555 days ago

Plans for the new year ?

getting rid of the really toxic people in my life and actually starting to be happier with myself. i am who i am and i need to start seeing that and only surrounding myself with people who agree

becolibe replied 3556 days ago

Are u taken ?

why do you want to know? hahaha

becolibe replied 3787 days ago

Who is your crush? Dont be shy

i have a guy in mind. but im not going to say it because he doesnt like me back :)

becolibe replied 3870 days ago

Something you will never be good at?

making friends or singing?

becolibe replied 3872 days ago

Everbody Makes Mistakes, Everybody has those days, Nobody's Perfect, I got to work it, again and again til I get it right~! sorry the *ouchebag made me think of the song. madibear

i have that on my ipod and actually sung it after writing the answer so no worries anon <3

becolibe replied 3872 days ago

Just coz Cassie is one of your bestfriends doesnt mean she isn't a ****? Did you hear about what she did to that kid she was going out with? I did. You're all a pack of animals honestly

Cassie is just like a lot of people, she makes mistakes. I'm not proud of some of the things she has done, and neither is she. I know what she did too and I'm not happy with her for it. But she is trying and she is still a great girl and I love her no matter what mistakes she might make

becolibe replied 3873 days ago

Why the **** do say this **** in Qoohme, have some respect for yourself

hey you guys ask questions about me im not going to not answer. im going to answer truthfully. how is accepting who i am not respecting myself?

becolibe replied 3874 days ago

why do people think i ****ed you? chooka

seriously have no idea lol. we not like that

becolibe replied 3874 days ago

you *exist pricks, i bet you'd praise your boys for getting laid, but bec can't have *ex with one person because she's female?

exactly. thanks hon <3

becolibe replied 3874 days ago