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brittany aistrope


love me or hate me.

281 Replies

name and shame lol

I'd love to. Message me :)

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

You're a horrible person. I wish I never met you. I hope you move away and disappear.

That will never happen. So live with it cause I don't give a f u c k

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

. Just ****ing live your sorry life and **** off. I'm done trying too help you. I'm done being abused. I thought we were friends but every time I needed you you were never there and now that I'm moving on you think it's fun to bad mouth me

I probably hate you

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

Stop abusing people because you don't agree to their way of life. Realise you have a boyfriend and stay away from other boys

I love my boyfriend. And don't need anyone else

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

There's no difference because they're both as immature. Which I'll agree. But Britt maybe take a good hard look at your life and stop pushing away everyone that tries to help you.

You are the most immature girl I've ever known of.

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

. We may be doin it behind a screen. But what's the difference between you writing rant fb status seeking attention every two seconds?

I don't seek attention, but like i said i know who this is

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

You stay anonymous and so do we. The sad part is that it's not just one person because I've written one hate note. How sads that.. To know that more than one person despises you

I know who this is so your cute b i t c h

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

Keep up the hate and find yourself in the burn ward on life support with 3rd degree to 80% of your body. She's made mistakes and so have you. Your biggest mistake- hating on the wrong person. Watch your back cun ts. You never know who's watching you

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

Love me or hate me? That's a no brainer.... Love is f&a. Keep dissing her and I'll find you, string you up by your nutt sack and set you on fire. At the least, expect a lovely cinder block through your house window.

Thanks :)

brittyjane.xo replied 3795 days ago

You're unbelievably pathetic. No wonder your family hates you. And skippers the ugliest bloke

K pal

brittyjane.xo replied 3796 days ago

We all hate you because your a using b i t c h. :)

And who would be the *we* and *all* Because I haven't used anyone :)

brittyjane.xo replied 3798 days ago

Oh yeah you definetly have been through the works you are a good egg :)

I try my best to be a good egg

brittyjane.xo replied 3798 days ago

Only okay ish? That's not good at all

I can't wait for Tuesday when I'm in my own house that I call call home free from the bulls hit I've had to put up with over the last month. Ask me Tuesday.

brittyjane.xo replied 3798 days ago

Hey there beautiful, how was your day?

My day was okay ish

brittyjane.xo replied 3798 days ago

So over my newsfeed being hate to Brittany on this. Why don't you inbox her off anon? ****ing hell who cares if her piercing is higher than most? She likes it and that's all that matters ffs


brittyjane.xo replied 3799 days ago