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Brooke Ellis



443 Replies

Is your year going great ?


brookeellis replied 3277 days ago

How do you deal with a break up ?

never had to deal with a bad one :)))

brookeellis replied 3300 days ago

Are you an orphanage? Cause I wanna give you kids.

i hate kids

brookeellis replied 3317 days ago

What do you miss most about Australia ?

dunno i miss people

brookeellis replied 3317 days ago

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

kai &&&& i would make him drive me to Barcelona or Amsterdam

brookeellis replied 3317 days ago

Seriously how many french people have you ****ed ??

pls for the love of god, get a job, find somebody you love and marry them when you are drunk in la, start a band, make a movie, be the next person on a reality tv show, because famous on the internet, become a parent, make your own clothes brand, plant a tree, travel the world, I DONT CARe but pls find something better to do with your time than care about my *ex life !!!!!

brookeellis replied 3317 days ago

I wanna slam your box


brookeellis replied 3317 days ago 1

How much does it cost to go on exchange?

changes from program to program but mine cost $12,000 aus dollars i think and then they recommend $100- $200 dollars a week for spending money BUTTT side note --- if you really want to do exchange don't let the money factor stop you because nearly all programs have some kind of scholarship program you can apply for

brookeellis replied 3317 days ago

hottest guys at padua rosebud?

tbh i have forgotten who's even there

brookeellis replied 3318 days ago

you are changing so much...

this doesn't make sense bc u either haven't seen me for 5 months or you have only known me for 5 months but ok yes sure whatever u want

brookeellis replied 3318 days ago

Currently tuning who?

fun fact did u know that the word tuning is only used in australia ((i think even just Melbourne or the ninch) betcha didn't know that YOU learn something knew every day

brookeellis replied 3318 days ago

Do you live on a chicken farm? Cause you sure know how to raise a ****

oh gosh please no, do u know what church is ????

brookeellis replied 3318 days ago

Biggest exchange struggles?

right now it's cold and i have pins and needles to the point were my foot is numb

brookeellis replied 3318 days ago

your qooh me is flipping hilarious omg 'how many frenchies have you done the deed with' im gonna cry brooke oh look there's melony gotta goooOOOOOOooo

HAHahAH i laughed when i got that one toooooo !! ! bloody wikihow u save my life,, I'm going to be using that so much when i get back to the cafe and lisas going to expect i remember everything but i will secretly be on my phone and type into wikihow "how do u use a cash register" its reply will be "start talking to a customer get distracted then go to melony "

brookeellis replied 3318 days ago

Sorry Brooke I love you :) - Jellyfish

love u more jellyfishyyyy! lunch tomorrow pls pizza???! !! ! ! ! ! !!!!

brookeellis replied 3318 days ago