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I actually don't know.
I LOVE YOU CHLOE!! you are gorgeous amazing perfect and just beautiful. i love you so much! i have only met you this year ut it feels like forever! i llove you so much chloelyn!
TARA! omg where do i start i love you so much! be have bennlike best friends for over a year now and you played on my basketball team! i hope yi am in your team next season! i love you so much gorgeous!
you are perfect!~;)
i like you ;)
do you have a bf
i like your feet
i like your face
awwww anytime gorgeous! Xx ilysm!
Sam you are actually perfect! You are so gorgeous and you are on both my dodgers and my jets team! This be the best! I can't wait to share so many memories with you and I love you so much! xxx
Well Naomi! I have only known you for a year not but it has definitely been the best year ever! You would have to be the nicest mode gorgeous and funniest person I know! We have shared so many funny moments! For example just today when we were in music and we were laughing at mr McCarthy for singing really weirdly! (Inside joke) haha and things like that! I have shared so many memories together and I hope there is heaps more to come in the future! You are a beautiful loveable stunning girls and I no that will never change! I can trust you with anything and everything an I love you so much! Thankyou so much for being my friend this year! I remember at the start of the year when I always said how I wanted to be your friend because you always looked so kind! We have so much in common and I swear we think the same! Haha, I hope we stay friends for ever because I love you heaps! Love from me! xxxx
Daisy shoebridge, well for starters we only met this year but we are practically best friends! We have had so many memories together and I hope that never ends! You are a stunning girl with a beautiful singing voice! We sit next to each other in maths now and you make maths so fun and funny haha! I love you so much gorgeous!!!!
I love you stewie! You are one of my best friends! It's not the same without you being on my jets team I'm sad! Hahah we have had so many funny memories together and I hope we stay friends for a long long long long long time! Hahaha! Love you stewie!!! xxxx
Tash! Where do I start?! You are definitely one of the prettiest girls I no! You are so nice and caring I just hope we can meet more in person but I love you so much gorgeous! xxxx