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Ğö Ăhëãđ?

786 Replies

J en neil nog saam

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Op my gelukkigstes?Ja
Hoekom isj so op my page anyways?Kry iets anders om jou besig saam mea te hou, want jy gat my nooit uitfigure deur social media nie?

brown_sugarbear replied 2088 days ago

I like you alot. And i only went through your profile once.

?I'm sure I would've said I like you too if your name wasn't hidden

brown_sugarbear replied 2093 days ago

What do you, yourself admire most about your relationship?

?Wow okay
I admire that we care/look after each other. Like when the one is sick, we baby each other??Just show we care and we're there for one another.???
I love that we're not selfish?Whatever is mine is his too, vise versa?❤
We don't give up on one another??
?I love that our families are involved since the beginning and that they accept us and are there for us?

brown_sugarbear replied 2094 days ago

How old are you?


brown_sugarbear replied 2094 days ago

Hope all is well with you ♡

?Sure is. Hope all is well with you too?

brown_sugarbear replied 2094 days ago

I admire your desire to live ?
Your beauty is a result of your kind soul ?
Glow and f* em' up ?

Why hide your name??
Thank you so much?❤I highly appreciate it❤❤❤

brown_sugarbear replied 2094 days ago

You wear glasses??

Not in public but yeah...

brown_sugarbear replied 2231 days ago

virewig Myne❤✊

Miss ju doos?? Anndell

Aai jinne❤?

Dii beste vat daar is

Miss jou ook en daai $exC voete??

N dummy lekker?❤

brown_sugarbear replied 2248 days ago

What is the worst text that you accidentally sent to the wrong person?

sht? Talking sht about a family member and accidently sending it to them??

Swear this happened to me???

brown_sugarbear replied 2298 days ago

Onthou j daai aand?
Mid-night things?


brown_sugarbear replied 2304 days ago

?Te pragtig

Auww dankii?

brown_sugarbear replied 2305 days ago

Ht j ñ ou

Jaaaaaaa??Een waarop ek smoorverlief is?✊

brown_sugarbear replied 2305 days ago

Im sorry.

?I forgive you.

brown_sugarbear replied 2306 days ago

What makes you happy?

The people that love me and that I love✊?

Oh aannnddd most definitely foooddd?

brown_sugarbear replied 2316 days ago

I miss you??

After all these years only now?

brown_sugarbear replied 2318 days ago