Even thou u ignor me on FB just know hore o motle.
Thank u, I take it as a compliment.
Wussup between you and Rover?
We fine, nuthin out of the norms.
Have u ever done mas*********?
hav u eva lost ur girl 2 anothr dude?
shud i honest?
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
don't pay attention to such
are you happy wit phomolo?
y wudnt i b?
I love this girl,and when i tell her how i feel about her,she says i pity myself.so what's that suppose to mean?what should i do?
she dsnt aprc8 wat u sayn...u r nt despr8 so let her go,
heard u want me & u want me real bad...lol modimo,i wonder y!?.fill me in.
Stop listenin 2 rumours n stressin ova dem... Bt as far as m cncrnd i dnt want any1 badly ryt nw. If u came strght up myb id have a propa ansa 4u,
got hearts for Phoebe?
thats a closed chapter in my life
when was the last time u had *ex?
wen i ws wit sm1
have u any relationship with God?
yep i do... Its very good.
iv seen the way u look at Dintle Dillane. U lyk?
no comment...
Is Ntseli one of ur best cuzis?
defn8ly... Yea she is.
o rata dibiscuits ne?lol...
sure, y?
how did u gt 2 find out dat u not gay?
duh.... M atrctxn 2 females,
r u well???
great as eva... U?
iv been meaning to ask, how would you describe your personal style candy_girl
wel m a strght 4wd prsn.... Laid bk do thngs my way , wel i cnt say much.... M dwn 2 earth n wel if u get 2kno me betta ul kno. So *** gv it a try
o nale girlfriend?if yes...ke mang?
hahaha... Hu wants 2kno?
do u still have feelings for palesa myboo?
hahaha.... Hu wud ask me this #thinking#
wen do u normally neva shower?
on a daily basis
Wat wil u do if u ar told u hv only 2 days left b4 u die
keng jwale ka di death questions? Id b greatful 2d lord 4makin me hu i am n evry1 hu made a difrenc in my life. Well then having that done ima try achiev my long term goal....
if u were to stuk in a lift wit ur biggest crush, and u r left wit one minute to die, wt would u do
id tel her hw i fil den id die with no worries...
If you were to be given R 1.00 for each person you have shagged with what would you buy?
chappies tse 4 tsa 0.25c
Hw many tyms hve u mustrbate?
neva ever, n dnt intend to....
how many okes have you screwed this year
mature question ka kopo...
do you still have the hots for Teddy?
What hapend bwtn u nd reatile
rhetorical.... Wat u hear s wat u got.
when last did u use a condom?
the last time i had *ex
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Social, spontaneous, down to earth
Who are you dating currently
my g.f