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Hit me with a lil ghetto gospel (;

55 Replies

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

yeh by iggy she too fancy

captainbraybray replied 3844 days ago

Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?

Haven't watched since season 1 oops

captainbraybray replied 3976 days ago

What is your favorite piece of clothing?

Dayshell letterman, or my being as an ocean crew neck tbh

captainbraybray replied 3999 days ago


captainbraybray replied 4012 days ago

How much is enough money for you?

Why would this be a relevant question towards someone who is barely mature enough to know what life requires of him, your staff members thought processes are below average.

captainbraybray replied 4013 days ago

Who was the first person you dated?

Married some girl in kindergarten ;L

captainbraybray replied 4022 days ago

Who is your crush? Dont be shy

You bby

captainbraybray replied 4027 days ago

A song they should play at your funeral?

Letlive. - that fear fever, It's about taking a stand, and as my career plan is to be a lawyer, I will be taking a stand

captainbraybray replied 4031 days ago

You don't know your moms name?

I do but that's not for you to know (;

captainbraybray replied 4031 days ago

What is your mother's name?

Idk her name, I just call her mum

captainbraybray replied 4034 days ago

Why'd you guys break up

Idk if were still together or not so I may as we'll be single

captainbraybray replied 4034 days ago

What would you like to ask God?

Why he "created" such an inhuman way for humans to live, why he stated apples as forbidden, yet taking an animals life okay? And why "thou shall not kill" only applies to humans, does it say in the bible, "unless what you're killing has fur, scales or feathers"?

captainbraybray replied 4045 days ago

Does your gf have ig

Noooooooppppeeee she's not a instaf** like me haha ;L

captainbraybray replied 4049 days ago

What brand of dye did you use/ and what color

Paintbox corvette red ;L

captainbraybray replied 4049 days ago

That thing that irritate you about your friend?

How we wants to sleep with my mother ;L Kidding Nah how work seperated our shifts

captainbraybray replied 4051 days ago