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Flora Pirie


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406 Replies

Are your parents excited to be grandparents?

yeah! Mum's been amazing, my whole familys been really supportive :)

florapirie replied 3779 days ago

I hope you and Kyle stay together for your wee ones sake, if you guys fight hard enough you'll be able to do it c: So proud of you for keeping this child! Excited to see all the baby posts on facebook c;

we will :) I'm sure we'll fight heaps, we already do coz of my hormones lol, but we'll make it work, he's worth it :D Thank you :))

florapirie replied 3785 days ago

You're having a baby!! That's so exciting!! You nervous at all?

Of course haha! its gonna change my whole life. Excited though :)

florapirie replied 3787 days ago

I think Devon wants Kyle. I saw Devon trying to grab his p**** today.

Every day it gets harder to fight the urge to beat his skinny white as*.

florapirie replied 3787 days ago

Can not believe what you have done to Kyle!! He deserves better than that. He must really love you to get back with you after everything you put him through. Treat him right or let somebody else treat him the way he should treated

yeah I know. Cheers for the advice

florapirie replied 3847 days ago

I cant believe you're still with Kyle, hes such a waste of space.. dump that stain piece of ****

F U C K OFF! grrr god dammit I'll be with who ever the f u c k i wanna be with, thankyou very much. Its none of your ****ing business you nosey little punk. And don't call him a waste of space, you probably havn't even met him. you f u c k stain

florapirie replied 3872 days ago

When did you lose your v's?

umm i think like 3 yrs ago

florapirie replied 3872 days ago

your mint

you are ;) xoxoxoxox

florapirie replied 3898 days ago

i still like you :( brake up with your boyfriend already

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa good one ;)

florapirie replied 3906 days ago

you are a mint chick

you are mint anon x

florapirie replied 3906 days ago

Why is every1 so against kyle on your Kyle such a sweet, nice, kind guy?

I know right :( I don't know it, annoys me so much cos they probly don't even know him... its like I've been with him for 10 months.. clearly I know him better than u c u n t s xx

florapirie replied 3912 days ago 3

So what your saying is she should brake up with me so she can go out partying and be care free and hang out with people like you that say stuff like this to her... Your a ****ing wanker ae... Ovesly a mate she wants to be hanging out with.... Get ****ed Kyliepooxx

I love you Kyle. Your the guy ive been waiting for my whole life, id choose you over my old life any day :)

florapirie replied 3920 days ago 2

Do you realise that since you got a bf your social life has come crashing down and no one even cares or notices you anymore? Maybe you should think about if hes what you really want. You used to be such a fun carefree girl, now your just a boring loser stoner.

do you realise I don't give a ****?

florapirie replied 3921 days ago

What do you think about the most?

Kyle c:

florapirie replied 4024 days ago

do you cut yourslef as in self harm?

Can you mind your own business as in **** off

florapirie replied 4028 days ago