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Thank you jadie <3 yess a fat hug!
Yesss we do :D I love u more ?
Dennnnnaaaaaa :) my little sister :) I love you munchkin** xx
Awww I dunno who this is but that means so much <3 I'm sure you're beautiful and I probably love you too :P could u perhaps bbm me to tell me who u are :) so we can chill* xx
Whoever you are, coward enough to say this where I can't see who you are. Maybe what I was saying wasn't shi* and was the truth because I speak my mind and if I don't approve of something I'll mention it. So whatever issues you have about whatever I said about you, confront me in person!!
Hahahahah I love you child :) no I don't I think uncool people are :P
Hahah okay.
Exactly :) thankk you
Well I don't know :)
Ask me that face to face. That's a personal question. He was my first love so there will always be apart of me that loves him but not near the way I did.
No you can't :)
Get over yourself please. Stop being a damn coward! Just go confront her if you hate her so much! I don't have a single thing against erin so leave me out of this! Thanks!
Do you have like erin pagel issues or something??? She's done nothing bad to me, so I have nothing nasty to say...
Why would a 15 year old have fake breasts? :/ so yes I'm pretty sure they're real
Not feeling sorry for myself at all :) you are a coward ahaha :) very low of you. And I meant it in terms of a sad free world, no cancer taking loved ones from us(I miss my gran on a day to day basis she was a saint to me and cancer selfishly took her from this world), no wars, just everyone being happy and in peace. The world without sadness is heaven.
Knowing iv made someone happier and putting a smile on their face and putting them first is enough to make me happy knowing that iv helped someone through my experiences or by being a good friend :)
I wish I could. I wish I lived in a world full of rainbows and unicorns and sadness didn't exist.
No :/ you're a strange kid
For hide and seek purposes. Yes :)
No. You just have a wild imagination
Ice cream :P
Greece and Dirty Dancing :)
I lost my granny to cancer :)
I don't drink. But eating birthday cards, is a party trick ahahahaha excuse the pun :P
Cheese and cu***ber :) and well the only dancing I do is when I have a bit of \"happy juice\" in me or if I\'m alone :)
Ask me that to my face... Not my place to discuss this anonymously, I'm discovering myself before I jump into anything and I want someone to fight for me, not running after guys any longer* :) if I'm worth it, they will make sure I know that :)
Thank you so much :) that is really kind*
You're way too kind x :)
Well yeah, I'm insecure about my weight but iv lost quite a bit this year, so I'll get there :) :)
Hahaha no :P
Fine, we still good friends. So we never lost eachother completely
Waaaaay too much :D
Shannon Jones & Karla Lentz
Haha maybe :)
I'm not gorgeous :/ I love you too whoever you are :P
Way too much babe :)
I do :) I'm getting back on track, just been trying to rediscover myself again :)
Yes, I know a few :)
I have the same initials as channing tatum :P
I brush my teeth everyday..
That I was a ****. :/
Too many canidates to answer this question.
I wouldn't judge you :) I have lesbian friends and they are awesome :)
Coke :)
Snuck out the house.
Louds, random, crazy
Nope :) I'm very faithful
Yes we are :) we have been together for almost 20 months
No it isn't :)
I'm not :)
Matthew Deyzel :)