Lukah Gilbert
You so beautiful y are you listening to these ****s I don't personally know you but I met you once or twice so **** them they just ***** and bored with there pathetic lives
Thank you so much :) x
Are u buy *exual
Learn how to spell , and no :)
How many guys did you date with bros?? Hahahaha.
Uhhm.. Like 3 ?
You dated my bro but it shouldve been with me :( Poke me on fb if you're interested)
Who's you're brother ?
Do girls boo*s get itchy??
Yes :)
What turns you on?
Hairy old fat guys with long toe nails :D
Hahhhaha 106 that's all I'm saying :D hahahah* u 2 amaZing my friend :)!!!!* michaela07
Hell yeah hunii :P brunettes are better :P hahhhahahaah love youuu :P :D * xx
Why r u such a *****??
Why you such a coward ??
Ay wats ur bbm pin
Lukah, I didn\'t mean to make u feel \'kuuuuk\' as u put it, it's just u shud b mor frdly. B open 2guys b4 judging them, u mite really like n luv 1. I removed u off BBM. If u wana start over, answer \'Yes\' to this message.
Yes ?
To who ever is tuning lukah abwt luke etc. You are a COMMON POES! Sies you have a filthy mouth! Duz hurting ppl make u feel like a better person? Do you get happiness out of other peoples hurt? Sies your are sick! Lukah I love u, u beautiful girl! -L
Ahhw Lee <3 I love you so much .
Who ever wrote ' mabe luke will finger you again' u better shut the **** up cause it seems u jelious that he didn't **** you up the as*!! Stop saying **** to lukah befor I make u ****!!
Thank you whoever you are <3
I wonder if my name has passes that ****ty mind of yours
Proberly not . You have sent me over 20 \'s now . Are you that bord with you\'re life ? Come say it to my ****ing face . Stop being a ***** .
I love you:) people jus jelious cause they can't be amazing like you, u r super *exy:P be my baby girl?:D:P
I love you too . I'm so over this shiiit .
Mabe luke will finger u again
Maby you will shut the **** up .
Hahahaha all this is true :D
Shows how little you know me hun :)
Go chok on a pens u poez
Will do .
I no u hurting so fkn bad right now hahahahhahahah
Yeah bro , I'm dying .
Ul nva fkn be gud enough for anyone ur a fkn *****
Thanks hun x
Ahahaahhaahaha hope u fall pregant fuka
Shot ou :)
No 1 wil ever love u
Thanks x
I tried to tell you who I am on BBM but your short, abrupt answer made me realize we were never meant to be. Hope your Prince rides into your life and sweeps you off your feet because that's what you deserve. Fairwell my lady.. The Movie Guy. X x
Well you just make me feel kuuuuuuk /:
So when we going to the beaach babe? :)
Tell me who you are then we can make a plan :)
What does T.G.M mean?
It's T.M.G, the movie guy :)
Do u wear hotpants?
Yes :)
I havent met u:( n I nt gnna say hello to u on bbm:), no guy will need a shooting star if u the star in their lives;) u a dream cme true:) Hw cme u single?? I mean a girl like u:P how can a guy nt like u? Haha stay amazing*
You should tell me who you are hun :) xx
In the one question you answered "illl be on a beach with this one guy" who's that guy? :)
Keen ****.
Cool story brotherham (:
Hey Lukah, I'm T.M.G. We don't know each other long at all, you do sound like a great person (No doubt about it) but I don't think we'd work out due to our age gap. But it'll be cool been BBM buddies :D
Tell me who you are dude .
Shooting star guy here:), everyone has dreams and wishes:) so what are your dream/wishes??:)*
I'm waiting on the world to change <3
Hey Luka u are realy beutiful and a wonderful person
Thank you :)
I sent the message about the shooting star:) and I'm pretty sure you know who I am:) got you on bbm but we don't talk:( haha stay amazing , shouldn't be hard for a girl as gorgeous as you*
Please say hello on bbm :)
These people aren't asking you questions they telling you things, so ima tell you something and ask you something:P you a shooting star, will you make my dream come true and be my world?<3
That was really beautiful . Tonight I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face . Please tell me who you are . That was the sweetest thing ever .
I'm not the movie guy hey just telling you, my name starts with a M you have me on BBM! I prob gave myself away now but its okay!
But you all talk the same ?
U reli are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, this is the last time I will say anything to you for awile, its weird that iv met you once long ago! Anyways and btw I'm not T.M.G ! Good luck with all stay beautiful! Maybe see you again oneday!
Thank you :) that's really sweet :) *
Lukah u frikken awesome and u better stay that way!! :) x
Love you shaun(: You're awesome :)
Personal question are you a virgin?
Like you said , personal question ? :)
If you could do anything right now what would you do??:)
I would go to the beach with this one guy :)
Do u have double deeZ????
Noooope :)
Ill feel to strange to tell you who I am! It will be to weird for me and if you know who I am you will understand why! But just know I really do think you are the most beautiful girl I've had the privelege of meeting
That's amazing what you just said :) please give me another letter :)
Okay for your info, that idiot stole my nice name. This is the real T.M.G. Hey loser, get some class and learn how to treat a lady!!
Ahww :)
T.M.G I'm keen to **** the **** out of you .
Sis man . Who the eff are you ?
T.M.G. Put up a pretty pic of you on BBM please sweetie pie? I love your legs but also want to see your cute face.
Stalker !
Wel I met u abt 2yrs ago an I thought u were beautiful then an nutin changd, u stil beautiful and I'm sory but I wont li I dont hav the guts to tel u bec of the fact tht I reli dont knw you that well and I dont handle any kind of rejection wel
Please tell me who you are ?
Peeeeennnniiisssss :D:D
He heee :D Our song ;)
T.M.G. I'm not sure how you feel about me :( You did do one or two things that gave me hope but for now, I'll stay on the side lines unless you drop a hint on BBM :) Would love to hug you now!
Tell me :(
How many guys have you kissed
Dno *
You are so beautiful zukah hahaha ges who hahahahaha love u!!
Matt its LUKAH :) :P
Yes we are the ssssssssssss****, now do u LOVE me, I know I LOVE u, my little Eintjie Princess!! Hahaha Rourkey
Okay so from now on, I'm T.M.G (The Movie Guy). You got it right, it's BBM. I have a 'n' in my name.. But my name starts with another letter. Would like to be friends though. Maybe we could watch a sunset together in the future that's if you game :)
Tell me what you're name is :(
(The movie guy). I can't tell you who I am yet.. But you can say we sort of friends. You got me in a social network. Guess the network..
Bbm ? :) movie guy , what does you're name start with ? :)
I love u, grt hvin u in mi life, ur beautiful, wish we could spend more tym tho hope skwl going good
That's sweet :)
Can I take you to see a movie?
Who are you ? :)
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah. :). :):D
Hahah lee ;)
What is your idea of a great date?
Watching the senset at the beach <3
Where's your photo babes?
This isn't facebook mom :)
How r u Luka
I'm fiiiine thanks ?
Lukah you sooo B E A utiful :) <3
Thanks you hun :) *
Lukah is drop dead gorgeous!!!!! Much love xx guess who :P
I don't know but I'm blushing :P x
Do u still love chante :(
As much as chinese love oiysters :(
That one person who loves u more then fuken anything but everyday u fight about something :o
Still loves u ;)
Btw, I love you huni .. :)
HeY lEkkA buhmzzz:P gUEsS WhO:P >.< LoVe u my white fwend!!<3
OG , :D
Would you ever date guys in the same graade as you? :)
Yes :)
Its quite weird cause we used to talk a lot and then something happened and we never spoke again? What happened? (N)
Well, everyone changes, people change . But I'm sure I still love you . Real love , don't go away (: x
What's beTTer the "p****" game or the "v*****" Song??? :P hahaha, gueSs who??
Rourky :P we the sssss**** no jokes ;)
She's funny,fun,cool,sweet, cute and always happy and bubbly...she's always there wen u need her and never let's u walk alone... She's trustworthy and honest...and never let's u down... Guess who..................??? LUUUUKAH :D x love you NL :)
Ahw baby gee :) I love you :D thanks for that, you just made me feel so much better :) need to talk to you :) I love love love love you nick nack paddle wack :) <3
Always lu(:
Love you Dante :) x
You're beautiful :) words can't describe your beauty :) its a pity you don't speak to me on bbm :( doubt you even know who I am :)
So sorry :) bbm mee (: x
Are you into younger or older guys?
Older.. I'm not a child malester /: *
Did u know nicole richings loves u somuch? :)
No I didn't, good to know . Keen for jbay with her and lee ;) x
You're meant to answer the question? So please just answer :) its not hard. Who do you thinks the hottest?
I don't know warrick, you tell me ? :) xD
Of these 5 who's the hottest. Be honest :) Matt Nazer, Luke Meyer, Warrick du Toit, ashley ruth and Jarryd gregan??
Wait 3 years then I'll tell you (:
Hey:) who do you like at the moment. ?
I really Don't know . *
When you put Kela as KelaH . Want you to know next time I write your name ima be like ' Lukahisawesomebuteatsmuchpoo '
Lotsa love poo eater <3
I love you , KELAH :D
Love thiS beautifuL gaL so muCh :) mwaaaaah* not only is she stunning shE haS a GorjuZ personality mwA*:) michaela07
Ahhw I love you babygirrrl . You're way too amazing <3
10 best friends?
Nix, Lee, Kay , Jay , Claire , Em, Carl, Tay, Jo *
Who's ure friend and always will be? No mata what?
Um chante fuken loves u
Um lukah loves you more :Px
Don't u agree u got the cutest smile eva :D !! Its a pitty u dnt talk to me on bbm :P
Ahh that's so sweet :) I'm sure I do xxx
Diego Bruiners and I plan on playing with you after exams:P ... Are u game? **** Dante Rossi I'll moer him myself if he tries n does anything *exy to u:P
Dude wtf .
Do you think its weird for a guy to have met a girl once, like 3years ago and then decides to look her up because he thought she was beautiful then?
Never :) ?
I like your b*m...(J.j) hahah a ho in spar! :D ><
Hahah og :P
Every1 has that1 friend they wuld do anithing for...who's ure1 friend ud go the extra mile for?:)
I have lots of people I'd go the extra mile for :) ?
Lu ure my best friend
Love you huni (:
what do you feel about dating people the same age as you!! Do they have to be cool or do you go for personallity??
Personality yes please :)
Do tou wana join me in bed? Vanaand?
No thanks (:
Who can't you live without?
My fadamily :) Lee anne , Emma , Claire , Jodie , Kelah , Jadyn , Carly. And Dante :)
I want ur beef;)!!
I want you're chicken I want you're chicken !! :D
I miss u sooo much lukah *exy gilbert;)*
I'm sure I miss you too :D * xx
I like your face(:
I like yours tooo. :D
Who in grade 11 at v.p do you think is your top 3 in order
Kailim ririe , umm ?
Who are the top 10 hottest guys in grade 10
Um ? There are none .
I've seen u sitting with Rourke at brek time, what do u think of him?? And do u like him??
Nah :) He's just a friend . - Verry nice person .
hey beautiful:) so who is the one lucky guy that you like??:)
Dante Rossi :)
Ay wat ur bbm pin?
220E6D02 :)
Ur beautiful nd dnt let any1 else put u dwn u stae the wae u are nd I looove u a lot 4rm og triple og :)
Love u og :)
Do u like older guys?I'm 25?
No. Sorry. :) That's just wierd.