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Damian grundlingh


ask/tell me something..(Se/veRtel my itz)

1.7k Replies

Hayy hayy.....will ntt se jyy iiis sooooss superr hoott en hou bjja van jou liieffies jou !!* ZennieQ

Ok thanks ..maar eka het n gal {♥anancha♥}

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3353 days ago

HEY!!* JY is mal oulik,en cute en n goeie vriend sal ju nooit wil verloor nie!!!* :D dankie vir jou vriendskap . :P supergirl '_' :o ♡*

Plsuur jy

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3353 days ago

I kinda sorta really think I like you.. But you don't know me but I know you.. Wish you can see it :(

Who are u?

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3485 days ago

Stry blondes is onnosle

Nie ale blonds ni

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3485 days ago

Siesaaaaa hkma cheat jya op Anancha joua vandag gesien met n aNe gql hand hand saaAm

Nee j lief?? Tsek

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3485 days ago

Wies die meisie wat op ju pfp was

N vriendin :)

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3685 days ago

Hey guess who.. thanks for being there for me and always understanding me lotsa love *

Hehe weet 100% wie jy is;) mp

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3685 days ago

Yes mate,how u doing?
I see these days U are a blond lover :D

Yes Slim shady,, joh broh mising the time we had in Gr7 ..I'll come visit!!

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago

Jy antw almal se vrae behalwe myne ?? Sal weer vra ek hoor daar is iemand watt ntt soos Anacha lyk is daar ietts aan dii gang tussen julle wat haar naam ??

Wts juw probleem? Het nx vraa van juw af gekry nie???? En watse gud prt j? :o

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago

like ****?


damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago

Wie was daardie lijntjie chick?? Is sy jw mysie?? Of wt??

Sele vraag al kla geantwoorsd

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago

Heyy hoop jy en Anacha kan dinge uit werk hoor ;)


damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago

Hii hii:p ,, Wil nt se ... Jesus maak wolkies , hy maak grassies , hy maak roomys en tjoklits, maar net nou en dan 'show' hy af, dan maak hy iemand spesiaal s00s jy !!* #hug# bly so oulik* 14Ash14

Hi ashley ,,thx viri qooh,Waardeur (hug)

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago

Hey J. J Mt awesome bl m s.m. Wens NT j wil sien. DanQ dt j da is vi m j is bja sweet


damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago

Wie is daardie lijntjie chick?? gaan julle yt ??

N vriendin ,,en nea,os speel net dare truth comammand,2 command sy my om ha naam op status te sit

damiangrundlingh14 replied 3749 days ago