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Kayne Palmer


Ask me anything you like anonymously

92 Replies

Who is smackie?

Some low life gutless pieces of sht decided to call a friend of mine teace smackie because of her disability and how thin she is..... Does it make people feel better to belittle and degrade someone because of a disability they have no control over? Some people are gutless pieces of sht.....

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

You should hurry up and take me on the bonnet of my suzuki ?

If you want to cause trouble for Jarvia or myself why not have the balls to do it in person? Or is hiding behind a keyboard good for your own insecurities?

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

Do you talk to smackie stilk

Do you feel good about yourself for calling her smackie? That isn't very nice...

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

I love you jarvia come for a ride in my xr6 turbo ??❤ we can do heaps mad power skids and drifts and some stand stills and pour the smoke off the tyres it will be very great fun ?

This isn't me Jarvia, someone just trying to cause sht

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

This is true, they obviously have nothing better to do, just stay strong sweetie.
Can't wait to catch up again, missing you heaps. Samm.1902

Chai latte's are needed

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

fck them spudato. You do what you want to, you know I'll always be here to support you sweetheart

AWW thanks spud..... It doesn't phase me in the slightest... Its amusing that a bunch of girls dcks hide behind a keyboard and an anonymous profile

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

Just ignore the idiots spreading sht

it's nothing shy of pathetic, even worse because i have a fair idea of who it is...guess we will see what happens ...
But i appreciate the kind words

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

Ever tried shoving a yam up youe arsehole?

only for you isaac :p

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago

what's the go with you and Jarvia?! LOL she's a **** you don't know what your getting into

What are you on about? There is nothing going on between us, I don't have feelings for her at all.

darius1993 replied 2537 days ago 1

Did you ever have a "crush" on that girl Samantha?
Be honezt.

There is history between us, I'll leave it at that.

darius1993 replied 2562 days ago

What is the biggest way people waste money?


darius1993 replied 2562 days ago

What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?

The moment i asked my ex out

darius1993 replied 3084 days ago

You are a giant booger... no question just statement ?

thankyou aimee :P

darius1993 replied 3086 days ago

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

someone to possibly start a family with would be nice

darius1993 replied 3086 days ago 1

Hi queer :p how are you?

oh gee i wonder who this is :p

darius1993 replied 3264 days ago