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Fancied the red power anger for a bit
This was the sweetest thing every, put the biggest smile on my face, I love you so so so much precious, thank you xxxxx
Such a kind hearted kid, really enjoy your company, always down to have a laugh, should get your own food :) love you xx
I can't remember the last time I liked someone... ****
Cracking my nuckles
Yeah this isn't interestting anymore /:
I do what I want pal
I don't fail
I don't cry :))))))))
Girl- kate al group of girls in my class + Kaylee Boy - hud Liam Nathan and I'm getting closer with a few others xx
Not sure but kate dreamt that I got an eyebrow piercing and they screwed it up and pierced my forehead????
You're so beautiful, love you loads, I'll miss you so much next year and I won't have anyone to save me from all the new year 7s next year, not sure how I will survive xx
Thankyou for saying I'm not a ***** but the rest isn't necessary, neither of us are *****es and Micaela is liked by so many people, **** happens and people grow apart, that's all.
Funny boy, so kind, amazing dancer :)
Such a beautiful boy, love him so much, so funny, always enjoy his conpany, hope we get closer (: xx ps get ungrounded please xx
When I first met you I thought you were the most annoying kid ever but this year we have become quite good friends, you're so funny and caring and I love hangin out with you, hope we get closer next year xx
How am I a ***** to Micaela?
My bestfriend Katelyn
Mansion w/ al of course xx
I would say date Alex but she's too good for everyone so sorry
Oh for sure mate
Gorgeous girl so funny and caring, should talk more, would love to become closer xx
everyone has the right to live whether you own a home or not
Funniest girl, love you loads and I hope we get closer because you s*ck but I love you anyway :P
Sweet boy, very funny, best person to be around. Cute, best personality and I hope we get closer xx
Being happy
Good good
All the time, I love to sleep. I like to sleep so much that I wake up exhausted from sleeping so hard.
Rude, cocky, smells, annoying, doesn't make an effort (:
Death, loosing people
Yes but why does this concern you lol
Why do people care so much about who I am friends with? Mind your own business guys ffs
Harsh? Micaela and Alex are my two bestest friends. Who I am close with has nothing to do with you at all. If you want to take a bullet for them, by all means go ahead.
Al and mic xx not Nathan because he didn't come today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn't change the fact that I'm the best :)
Met you 6 weeks ago, feels like a year even though we hardly talk
Well I can buy grilld??????????????? So yes
No I am the best, obviously..
James - 5 Josh - who's that Dilan - who's that Christian - 7 Angel - he's adorable but not hot Lachy - 4 Nathan - 8 Samar - 0 Ben - 4 Ilia - 8 or 9 Stefan - solid elbow to the vag HAHAHQH Matt - 0
Lovely girl, so pretty xx
My boyfriend Micaela
Well I was having a great time playing the dancing whale game and then my computer just shut off and it won't turn back on?? Kms
Thankyou so much gorgeous, love you so much xx
Lack of humour but ITS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYY
So gorgeous, lovely girl and so funny! Should talk more xx
I'm a legend I s*ck at nothing
Use to talk a fair bit but not so much anymore, nice man, message me thanks xx
what didn't she do lol.
Courtney- love the girl, so gorgeous so funny and bubbly and just an all round amazing person Tylah- best person to joke around with so funny and gorgeous Taylah- after what she has done to Nathan, not my favourite person... But whatever makes you happy I guess? Just leave Nathan out of it next time.
Honestly my bestest friend I have ever had. So gorgeous, hilarious, and the sweetest person ever. One of the only people I trust with everything and there's never a dull moment when we are together. You have a heart of gold and you look like Florida. My favourite thing about you would have to be you're family, including haaaanry ;) 5 years and still closer than ever! Never had a friend quite like you, and I love you more than anything. You mean the world to me, all our memories and all our jokes, I wouldn't change anything. You're the most amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you ;;;;;;;;) wink wink. You're the best person to be around and I love you more than anything and anyone. You have a heart of him gold, and I hope we stay best friends forever. By the way would you like some rubylicious nail polish for your birthday??
You're so gorgeous! You're really good at basketball, your funny and so nice, one of the best year 7's, should talk more xo
Breaking things
Best personality, funniest person I have ever met, clicked instantly I'm actually so comfortable around you and Chelsea it's kinda weird but it's great like the first night I met you we slept in madi's bed together and it was just totally not weird at all, need to go to McDonald's asap but I just love you and you Chelsea and I need to have another uno sleepover ily caseyyyyyyyyyy
Pluto not being a planet
Fun fact: you can't say happiness without saying p****
Majority of them are great, I have the best grade haha :')
great girl x
uh Chelsea, Demi, Alex
2 or 3 days ago? maybe yesterday idk..
JEEP WRANGLER 4 DOOR FULL BLACK, HARD BACK and white range rover ughhhh yum
Gorgeous girl, one of my favourite year 7's, so funny and you have the best personality, love you loads x
Kid ink and Chris brown SGURNAVAJRJFB love me
Right now the only boys I'm close to are Nathan Isaac and Liam :)
"queen lateysha"
you are most times :)
both both kayia (both when ilia isn't pissed) both when Hudson isn't irritating ;)
um doesn't smell nice, cocky, **** hugs, rude, irritating :)
yeah I'll get rid of all the maggots from your sushi and then you can go and give them to Kaylee :)
actually it's 0406006915 but alrighty
no you stole them all so I had none left
hiding the cookie dough, then forgetting where you out it then finding it is micaelas type of success
Snakes ughhhh
you're really pretty, hillarious and so nice. never really spoke much but you seemed like you'd be fun to hang around with, should talk more x
tashhhhh!!!!! I actually miss you so much even though we only because friends again not long before you left I miss you like crazy. we have shared a lot of memories in the past good and bad -.- and I still think of you all the time. I see all these little things that just remind me of you and this is going to sound so creepy but they make me so happy because when we were bestfriends you always made me so happy. you're so hillarious and honest and kind and beautiful. I really miss how things use to be. I still love you soooooo much and I hope you love your new school and all the people there. you still mean the world to me and that will never change. I love you so much tash and I hope I get to see you soon xx
loool wouldn't knowww
wouldn't know sorry I don't watch midget p*rn
Ye true
Face in hole or something like that
Haha really? Thanks x
Well I'm spending the night with Katie Kaylee and micaela so um probs that :*
We are just friends. I'm allowed to have other fiends and I'm sure if they had a problem with it they would come and talk to me. It's not like i have ditched them I'm in class with them all day.
A few x
Micaelas face x
Alex :'(