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Anything that is important to me. My core values, family, friends, boyfriend etc.
just tell me when you want me on my knees.
I love you.
I'm bored and sore so instead come and kiss me.
yes yes I see that. def not him. I'm mad because he won't take me to get thrice cream and play with my hair. Boyfriend cancelled.
I always forget to answer this. But no thank you.
in a way yes. I relate so much with his character in shameless and Jeremy is just a chill, equality loving, woke guy. plus I like how his face looks, the bags under his eyes are nice.
Essay #2 and Sia. Do you ever wonder how she can have the vocals of our actual lord and savior Jesus Christ and STILL continue to be snubbed at the GRAMMYS? Like... I don't understand. She's a lyrical fcking God and has the pipes of 7 angels. She's a beautiful soul at that.
Logan. he's talking to me right now but I just miss him just cause. also my old friend who doesn't even have FL anymore. She deleted in like 2013? I have no idea why.
I don't know at the top of my head to be honest. I would say that I regret not getting a lot of proper sleep and not doing work that I should be doing.
No, they are all in good places. I wish the best for em!
I don't like when people tell me what to do or how to feel. I don't like being rushed. I also don't like when people touch my nose.
tell him to kiss me while you're at it.
Nah, he kinda smells. (Bad)
>:( say hi, bub.
you're so adorable, oh my. I'm okay. I get kinda annoying and clingy.
too many people.
This is the first time I've ever heard this?
My friends are cool. That's why.
I don't know, a lot of things actually.
Pop in the dm's, buddy. and I like to think I'm lowkey but honestly I'm loud and annoying.
i LOVE sia (along with ariana, clearly) and issues. but I do really find interest in all music— as long as it's not country.
Still do sometimes. It's Nic. I used to be "nicole" but I stopped going by that a while back because of changes. There could be a chance, I used to have old accounts that I don't use anymore and I change my user a lot.
I figured. She smells anyway.
Oh it wasn't?
Circe is pretty emo. I appreciate her being so tiny but hardcore. A little bubby.
I'm swell, anon. very content.
sometimes. I'm a switch really.
I'm a bit stressed is all. meds got me a bit jumbled too.
love. (kinda cheesy)
appreciate you sweet anon. Theres just too many shtty factors that play in it and i'm not trying to hurt / offend / or upset anyone.
I spent 15 minutes trying to find a reply to this. Truthfully, I know they don't want to talk to me and I'm too complicated to deal with.
im sorry? the little typo is throwing me off.
I don't wanna start stuff. they seem well and I hope they tell people what they're thinking all the time. just miss a friend.
Honestly, I'm really not into having kids? maybe when I'm older or find "the one" but if it happens. At least one will be named Juno.
I have a lot of insecurities? but I guess the most important would be my appearance and intelligence. I always get scared that me asking too many questions and not understanding things easily will turn people off.
call your girlfriend/robyn. I listen to this at least 6 times a day.
this was a bit random. But I will, thanks anon.
People that tell me what I need to do and who to be. I know me and I know what I need.
Definitely the time I sent someone something private $exually. I think back to it and CRINGE 1) I've never been that vulnerable to someone and 2) they weren't really in that phase yet with me but I stupidly sent it thinking we were. was awkward.
sEAINDKSN "I'm a flop" YES. she makes me happy and reminds me of good things in the world like ice cream and cookies. also drugs.
I don't know. maybe neither.
no not really. I've learn to let go.
People that are homophobic, transphobic, racist, blantly ignorant and just people that shut others down for their creativity.
Maybe some other time. I like Jeremy.
I think until someone approaches and tells me they like me I'll stay silent.
half n half. lemonade being okay and happy, tea being, what the fck am I doing.
I do here and there. I don't really like the word exes? past lovers is nicer or old friends.
honestly I'm up for anything. I like to experiment and explore. so to answer that question, what I'm NOT into is basically anything poop related or "little" related.
I switch a lot so. whatever I feel at the time.
Shrugs. I've been in sht for a while and kinda wanna just see what happens. I don't want to plan things anymore y'know?
I am good. always feel like I say that and never mean it. this time I do, best I've felt in a while actually.
certain someone. and I guess myself? how I feel about things and certain situations.
rejection in anything really.
Casper. I love her. and I talk about her a lot as you can tell.
I can't tell if this is referring to the real Ariana or my bubby Casper. but both excellent and loving. humble. warm. good people.