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Gimme questions yoo

32 Replies

What's the best luck you have ever had in your life?


frnkiercmustdie replied 2916 days ago

you're so cool

Thanks nic!

frnkiercmustdie replied 2916 days ago

i still kind of hate you which s*cks because i want to like you.

It's okay buddy, I kind of hate me too.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2918 days ago


Hmm, he was gorgeous, wasn't him? Hahaha. DM me and I'll tell you.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2919 days ago

why is your boyfriend so cool dejafake

I don't know man, I ask myself the same question everyday.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2926 days ago

Miss anyone?

‪@KcnetiApa‬ mostly, miss them as fck. I miss a few friends that I haven't had the time to talk to lately. I also miss Gerard Way's Three Cheers era, Frank Iero's lip ring. I miss pre-split PATD and I miss Ryan Ross' lyrics. I miss Glenn on TWD, I miss Stiles on Teen Wolf, that guy made the show, come on. I miss my first dog Nala, and my hamster that I killed by running it over with an office chair. I miss my grandma, may she rest in peace. I miss my high school best friend, and that one cute guy that I used to see on the bus everyday to work. I miss a lot of people, basically, but I also don't live in the past.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2938 days ago

Write an essay about how much you love lex.

Oh boy, I'm gonna be here all night. Well, I could say that I like telling dirty jokes, and I like smoking crystal meth, but darling I love Lex. And I like laughing at retards, I like throwing rocks at dogs, but darling I love Lex. I love Lex like the moon and stars. When little kids get hit by cars, you know it's true. Darling, I love Lex. I've been tryin' to move on, since they left, since they've been gone, but it's so hard on me. I talked to a girl in First Hour, bought her a CD, bought her a flower, but she's a stupid ****. But I'll take anything, and I'll take anyone. I'll take an angry lesbian with a loaded gun. I'll take a ***** with syphilis and gonorrhea too. 'Cause darling, I love Lex.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2938 days ago

Is Josh's dck big? dejafake

Josh? Hmm, I don't think I know a Josh.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2938 days ago

flirt with me

This is 6 days too late but, nahh.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2938 days ago

Hello I love you

Hello, I love you too probably Lauren.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2971 days ago

why do u say ur straight when ur dating a guy??? doesnt add up

I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is. Seriously though, if I ever said I was straight, I obviously meant it in real life.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2972 days ago

Voldemort out btches!

I'm gonna find Harry Potter and I'm gonna piss in his mouth!

frnkiercmustdie replied 2972 days ago

I want Hermione Granger... and a rocketship.


frnkiercmustdie replied 2972 days ago

You'd think killing people might make them like you,but it doesn't. It just makes people dead.

Voldemort out, btches!

frnkiercmustdie replied 2972 days ago

Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders.

I FIND that to be a very accurate description.

frnkiercmustdie replied 2972 days ago