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Demi Cahoon


Ask me stuff xx

242 Replies

wtf i hate you + g doesn't miss you

you would have to have a pretty sad life to type something that horrible. i feel sorry for you.

demicahoon5 replied 3276 days ago 2

Thoughts on hunter Lawrence

cool bananas

demicahoon5 replied 3380 days ago

What got you upset recently?

finding out my fish died

demicahoon5 replied 3380 days ago

You are such an amazing person, I admire you in so many ways form your stubborn yet beautiful personality to your love for sweet and sour sauce. You are so incredibly strong and beautiful, your friends are so lucky to have such an awesome chick xox

Hahahah, that made me smile! thank you so much!! xxxx

demicahoon5 replied 3380 days ago

What was your favourite thing about G? x

I absolutely love every bit of G's personality, you can never stay mad at her! One thing that I adore and miss so much is her contageous laugh! Would do anything to have her and that laugh back!

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago 1

How do you think you are most likely to die?

I don't know, anything could happen unexpectantly at anytime.

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago

TNoughts on jordy purely xoxox

alright I guess

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago

Top Year 10 girls BSE?

not really that close with many but there are a few that are so lovely and great to talk to!

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago

thoughts on meg Worme?

MEGGGG! you are the funniest person I have ever met!!! always make me laugh and just an awesome person to be around! never a dull moment with you! love you so much! xxxxx

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago

thoughts? xx tahlia.lawrence06

Tahlia! you're so lovely and great to talk to, you are so bright and bubbly and always a approachable! love ya! xxxx

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago

thoughts on Lach Morley?

Lachy you are a complete legend! love ya so much, you are such a nice person and awesome to talk to! always up for a chat and never makes things boring! love ya dude! xoxo

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago

thoughts on Lach Morley?

Lachy you are a complete legend! love ya so much, you are such a nice person and awesome to talk to! always up for a chat and never makes things boring! love ya dude! xoxo

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago

thoughts gorgeous??? Xx chloe.fletcher

Chloe!! you are one of the nicest people I have ever met! you are so lovely to talk to and you have such a beautiful spirit! love you so much chicka, need to catch up soon! xxxx

demicahoon5 replied 3431 days ago 1

you're so strong, i admire how strong you are xxx

thank you xxx

demicahoon5 replied 3453 days ago

you're so pretty and nice dont know how anyone could dislike you tbh

love you xxxx

demicahoon5 replied 3453 days ago