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susan the soil


aske the queen anything!

52 Replies

will u marry me?

no! i hate polygamy

dlalisile replied 4885 days ago

ey u r askin me questions and ur id z xposd aye juelery5star


dlalisile replied 4885 days ago

do you love Honest Mhlanga as more dan a friend

just sisterly love. nothing more.

dlalisile replied 4910 days ago

tall,short, slim,masculine or chubby????

i know those are discriptions, but what are u discribing? Men, women, the suasage u had for break fast?

dlalisile replied 4910 days ago

wt e name of your best teddy you ever had

lol! it was an extremly huge teddy. it took up my whole bed. i call it mafutha! lol!

dlalisile replied 4913 days ago

If he found a b8r gal,dnt u thnk he wud do the same 2 u.wat mex u so special 2 b assured he wudnt?

coz if he leaves be he will know my face will be the last thing he will see.

dlalisile replied 4913 days ago

would you still date someone if they dumped their girlfriend for you

well he dumped his girl for me doesn't that mean samething.

dlalisile replied 4913 days ago

what do you like about yourself And life itself.?

wow! i love alot about my self, being talented and being a friendly loving person. with life cames the joy of seeing gods creation everyday.

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago

any significance in your awkwardly long name? Lol Tiki1

yes it's my identity.

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago

would it be wrong to assume you're *ex-starved?

yes it would be because i am not *ex - starved.

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago

what do you like to do when you're alone?

well! i love to paint or read.

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago

whats so *exy about a man that for sure drives your brainless head crazy...? Lol Tiki1

lol! brainless head! hahahahah! well, a guy that gives me a rush would be a well kept man( as you know hygiene is important), a guy that is well spoken( but more attractive a the guys with those *exy accents), and if a guy treats me like the most precious gem his ever seen.

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago

there's a guy, you're into so much. You've met n you can't resist kissin him. Your lips are so close that its about to happen until you realise he's got a terrible breath. Tell me honestly what you'd do.

definatley not kiss him. make an excuse that my phone is vibrating and have to answer it. well if the breath stink a great deal who knows i might even throw up on him. ewwwwww!

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago 1

would you sleep with a man you don't love?

lol! what in the hell would he be doing in my bedroom. never.

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago

Wn dd u lost ur virgnity?

that is a inbox question dear!

dlalisile replied 4914 days ago