you are lovely ok
Thankyou xxx
I love you Emily, these people can go f*** themselves. You're beautiful and you're amazing never give up <3
I love you too anon
thankyou so much <3
are you okay?
no not really
how many suicide attempts are you on now?
get a f***ing life
you're a ranga aahahah
i know
its realy funny ha ha
I love you Emily, you're the most perfect girl on the planet <3
I love you too anon <3 thankyou but im not
Please post a cover of you singing, omg you are perfection and i want your voice
i can't do that :l ahahah you're cute, thankyou
You have changed my life forever.I thought I was pretty much alone in everything until I met you and shi* girl, you have changed me for the better. Before you, I was a negative Bit**. But after a year, I have changed so much because of you. Thank you so much
Oh my goodness, i love whoever this is. Keep fighting stay strong, i'm so glad i could help you. <3
I love you so much! stay perfect my beautiful girl x
<3 <3 i love you too anon
would you ever cheat on your boyfriend?
What sort of question is that? Of coarse i would not.
What's wrong???? Im good
Just people
How are you?
eh, okay, yourself?
okay, i'll inbox you..
Any money you're writing all these "kill yourself" and suicidal questions and shi* to yourself for attention, hahaha
hhahahaahha yeah for sure
im a little younger than you though, :)
Oh well :~)
Are you suicidal?
can you not
well, to be honest, you don't really know me and i don't really know you, and we don't talk much, x
aw, tell me who you are? i want to know! we can become good friends :) x
who r u closest too??
Ashlee, Daniel, Deanna :~)
i love you to emily my gorgeous friend, keep your head up, keep smiling, you are perfect. xox
who are you?! aw :3 xx
ur perfect !!! <3
i'm not but thankyou <3
you are beautiful and you deserve to be here, let the haters hate because you are stronger than them and they are all jealous of you, you are gorgeous and just remember you have a beautiful family and boyfriend, keep smiling gorgeous, xox
I love you, so much anon <3 x
emily u r gourgues dont listen to da meanies!!! :)
thankyou :~) xx
What's your favorite kind of art?
Music and, drawing and shadings, its all just beautiful to be honest :)
You're a worthless piece of s***.
really man? it's almost 12 o'clock and all you have to do is remind me of something i already know, get a life dude
I do not live with u kk i hav my own house and i live there kk
kk w0teva
Emily isn't a "mut" you discusting pig. Emily is beautiful and she deserves to be here. leave her the f*** alone okay. f*** off
i love you anon <3
Emily is not a disgraceful mutt you f***ing rat ****
lol *** hahaha. You dont know me kk bebs
um u live wif me
u r a disgacful mut
so is your spelling.
Love you em
love you anon
Emily don't you dare do anything stupid, these awful f***s don't know what they're on about. people love and care about you, please don't <3
<3 i love you anon
Y r u so fab??
it *** natural
I can see you rn
drop it leik it hot pls
Please dont go i love you <3
i love you too anon <3
how far have you been?
like walking? or?
You are disgusting, you make these statuses about suicide, why don't you just do it already>
i will, i'll be gone soon
Emily youre beautiful girl and I'm not hating on you but your statuses are really depressing I get that you are ij pain and stuff but I don't see the need to post it all on facebook , I'm not bagging or anything I'm just saying.l
i know, i'm annoying. thanks
Get f***ed **** why the f*** would you say that Emily is an alot better person then you will every, Emily don't listen to that low life **** s*cking **** <3
thankyou who ever you are <3
Lol cats and bananas are donkeys driving cars
Neck yourself please.
I'm not really in the mood for hate right now.
Thoughts on Perry Holmes :3
He can be nice when he wants to be, we have great conversations about kittens :3 and he likes Ed Sheeran! :)
All your photos are perfect, I can't help but smile everytime I look at them
omg, you're so sweet :')
3 ppl ur hatin at this moment??
i don't really hate anyone, just a few anons.
Top 5 favorite people in the world?
no order~ Daniel, Ashlee, Deanna, Jess, yeaaah
post a cover of you singing! omg you are amazing, ah !
haha, nah i can't do that 3:
do you just ask for hate? or attention?
I'm sorry
Stay strong beautiful <3
I try, i really do <3
Everyone has problems, infact, Emily has had a few tragic problems, with her family, her school, you know what she told me? her parents moved her to 7 different schools, because each one she got bullied. So shut the f*** up, everyone has problems.
<3 <3 i don't know what to say, but you're perfect. <3
seriously, leave emily alone. you talking like this to her behind a computer screen is so cowardly, you have no idea. if you really wanted your words to take effect you would say it to her face. but then again you'd probably shi* yourself at the thought.
Haha! oh i love this anon <3
emily i love you so much. before i met you i was honestly numb, i couldnt go through with my life anymore, i needed to end it. a few weeks into hanging out with you i started slowing down (cutting) eventually i stopped. and its all thanks to you! i love you
wow, this touched me. I love you whoever you are, please let me know who you are! xx stay stong <3
seriously. What problems do you have? I'm not been rude I'm just curious. You're beautiful and any boy would be lucky to have you <3
They're personal, i don't tell people my problems because i usually get bagged for it. Thanks i guess <3
HAHA emily dosen't even have 1 problem, name 1, ahah lol she's gross i know that.
why are you so cool?
f*** off, seriously. emily is beautiful and so amazing she deserves to be here so much more than you. yes she deserves a boyfriend, someone who makes her happy most of the time. she is loved by many and deserves a long and happy life. so grow up, leave. ily em
<3 i love you thankyou so much !!
to the person who said " you barely have any problems". um how the f*** would you know you f***ing knob.?. stfu you Dic*
you are amazing!
emily, you are so beautiful and i hate seeing you get hurt all the time by these people. its not fair that you guys just say whatever you want and make her feel like shi*, you have no right doing that. honestly if you dont like her why are you here?
ohmygod thankyou! <3
Emily deserves to be happy and her boyfriend makes her happy, so she does deserve her boyfriend you f***ing wanker. Emily don't listen to these idiots seriously <3
i love you anon <3
people have no idea how hurt you've been in the past, have they?
they have no idea.
You don't deserve a boyfriend.
i know.
You're so selfish, suicide is what selfish people do, and cutting. Grow the f*** up, you barely have problems, other then your weight and face.
i mean it, you're going to have the best future ever! you just gotta hold on
I hope so ! <3
i love you <3 dont give up just yet please :)
I love you too anon <3 i will try.
Your incredible, Daniel is the luckiest guy ever
aw my goodness :3 <3
you are so beautiful, funny and most important the nicest person I've met!
We haven't known eachother long but you have always been there for me and I will always be there for youÂÂ
aw thankyou so much ! who is this? xx
if you want it, you have to inbox me, i don't give it out.
you're my favourite person, you're so bubbley and funny. And your laugh is so f***ing funny
omg no my laugh is so embarras*ing, ahaha but thankyou :)
Can you imagine a world where no one judged? Haha me neither ._.
hahaha! i reckon it would be so much better though!
Your so nice and pretty, you really deserve to be so much happier
aw, thankyou so much <3
You're such a downer.
I know.
Cutting is not selfish, being selfish is when you only think about yourself, you're just being an immature wanker, leave Emily alone!! K thanks
thankyou so much <3
If you hate everything why don't you just kill yourself, f***ing hell, it's easy. Do it.
acascuse you
Emily, what do you do if people are making up things about you, like you constantly blowing people off when they make an effort to talk to you? JoeCox
just ignore it, and try no to blow things off to quickly, i'm sorry i don't know man,
I wish I was like you ._.
no you don't, trust me.
You're great to take to babe! I love the random little chats we have:3 makes me smile a bit more hehe(: also you're beautiful and id kill to be you:(
aw, that's so lovely, inbox me :3
Hi Emily it's bec Trott. Don't listen to what they are saying about all that shi*, you are beautiful and old enough to make it own desitions in life. f*** the hates. I love you. Xx
haha thanks ! xx
I don't care what you say. Your selfish, Cutters have a choice. You choose to cut yourself so you choose to get the abuse and the attention seeking remarks. Just stop. Its simple.
If you don't care, what the f*** are you doing here? f*** off, i'm not selfish, your just a tight as* Bit**, chill the f*** back man. You're such a f***head, see i told you were going to judge me, you f***ing poop head, oh it's simple you just stop pretending your on your period, Just stop. It's simple
Okay, the reason im asking you if you cut is because I used to be very close with you at fairhills and I care for you ! xx
No, you would have judged me. If you actually cared so much, you would have inboxed me personally.
Who was one of the most understanding person at fairhills like who helped you out when you were down?
Defiantly Bec, she was there for me.
ur gorgues xx
um, thanks? xx
Just letting you know I care
just letting you know, i think you are a lovely person
Seriously people understand that whether Emily cuts or not, it is none of your business
you sir, are f***ing brilliant.
Who do you miss from fairhills?
Not a lot, but Rebecca, Steph, Sarah.
Thoughts on Zeke zekejaz
he's nice, good bloke :~)
Do you cut
Why do you f***ing care? honestly.. give me a reason you actually care.
do you like Ashley pile?
she's lovely :~)
you ar sa hawt kk sas*
i know
Everyone, did you ever think that smoking And all other addictive But stress releiving things were peoples ways of coping? Other than alternatives like cutting.. And worse things?
You all have no place criticizing people for trying to find new ways to cope.
thankyou so f***ing much. YOU UNDERSTAND.
Leave Emily alone, smokings her decision and she is still an amazing person no matter what xx
haha thankyou !!
Thoughts on trav
He is really nice, and he's cute :~)
Thoughts on Georga Langers.
So pretty, funny, good as to talk to, gotta hang out some more!