f*** you **** as if you didn't like my book filthy Dic*hole
Okay Nik.
Your a great friend im glad we are friends and you such a nice person itsCallum
The feeling is mutual.
you old hair was gay as and so is matts f***ed up emo hair
My old hair ? So what about my new hair?
It's not even 'emo' hair, what is emo hair?
ahahha "
" is a HTML tag, its a tag for a linebreak.
Just means that this site fails, and adds the "
" to the text instead of actually adding a linebreak (as in each time you push enter/return on your keyboard it will show as "
" on here).
Yeah, see ^
Funny bananas?
Bananas can be funny!
You're a great guy Joe, don't listen to anyone who puts you down. They're pathetic and they're not going to get anywhere in life if they treat people they way they do. Keep your chin up.
Oh my god, thank you so much !
fart on my coq
Go away Nik.
what does "
" mean?
I'm pretty sure it's Java script.
It's the website's way of actually posting the answer.
I don't do it.
you always post these statuses about how everyone hates you and all that shi* but i tried being nice to you and you blew me off!
When did I say everybody hates me?
And who are you, I would have talked to you.
eyy gurl u wan sum fuq?!
No thank you.
Favourite server owner ever?
Hahah, what is this Barnaby?
favorite quote?
Do you know how long someone who is as sarcastic as I am would last in prison? Suuuuuuch a long time.
favorite song?
Oh, I don't know ahah, there are so many good songs out there.
How long do you spend doing your hair each morning?
I don't do my hair anymore, my dad cut my hair and now it looks like a bowl cut ahah!
But when I had my long hair like in my picture, it took me like 20 minutes.
Describe Community in 3 words.
Hilarious, Badas* and witty.
It was a colour chart, duh.
Im pretty bored, so random things happen. LOOK AN INVISIBLE PANDA!
Brb, ima go chase it.
Okay, have fun.
Whats blue, pink, purple, and all of the other colours you can think of?
Yellow, green, brown, Black, white, blue, pink, purple.
I don't really understand the purpose of this.
"If you say so." I DO, I REALLY DO! It hurts me to think of you thinking otherwise! D:
Also, need to give you your christmas gifts on the server! <3
hahahaha, okay okay!
adam gets all the girls because he is the most caring guy i have ever met. he hugs you as soon as you see him, not just a quick hug, but a long hug shows that he cares. he listens to you and doesnt make it about himself. THAT IS WHY GIRLS LOVE HIM.
If only you knew the real reason why he likes long hugs...
Plus, I like long hugs..
I care about people.... A lot.
Getting in there with Skye ayy ;)
Nono, Just friends.
f*** these people joe, you're a great guy :) dukeeeeeeee
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you ! :)
What the f***, Adam doesn't get any girls. He's an annying little virgin.
Joe, you are cute.
By that logic, I too am an annoying little virgin...
And who are you, if you think i'm cute, please talk to me..
adventure time is for little kids. its a cartoon!! YOUR IN YR 9.
It makes me laugh, don't be mean.
How are you feeling, Joe?
Kinda annoyed, but fine, you?
does it annoy you how your best friend adam gets all the girls and you dont?
no hate. just a question
Yes, just a tad.
please dont upload photos any more. your not attractive enough for my newsfeed. like ugh gross
Oh, sure !
Your wrong about the game answer! Minecraft is the best, wooo!
If you say so.
why are your profile pictures always yellow?
It's the light, ahah ?
Do you watch true blood?
I do not watch true blood.
This looks like a copy of formspring or something.
Anyway, what's the most bestest computer game you play?
The bestest?
I don't know, I like all of them ! :)
I have no favourite.
You look like a cat? Are you one? Or should you just remove the hair from your face?
Well, this is an interesting question.
No I am not a cat, I wish I was, I.... what?
You're a H!?!?!? I'm only a C :(
You're mean.
your so generous and such a nice person
I wish people didn't see me as a cash dispenser.
What's your bra size?
Favourite band?
Asking Alexandria.
What's the meaning of life?
Adventure time.
Why are you so awesome?!
I take Awesome-pills, go to your local chemist and get them, for only two short payments of $19.99.
thoughts on Skye McGregor
She's just the greatest person ever, I love her to bits, So friendly and caring, and deserves to be treated with lots of respect. c: x
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
I don't hear rumours about me.