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Ella Petrini



32 Replies

Thoughts on meeee?? everoxdaworld55

Evie, you are so pretty, funny and smart. You are a great friend. I can share all of my secrets with you. ily xx

ella_roxx_501 replied 4179 days ago 1

Thought On Meh !!! xoxoxoox BigLiv

You are beautiful, *exy, pretty, and amazingly stunning. You are so kind and really really funny. You are a freak at netball and any other sport. You are such a good friend!! ily x

ella_roxx_501 replied 4180 days ago

Thoughts on me? Georgiepain

You are sooo pretty, *exy and beautiful. I know I can tell you any of my secrets and you won't tell anyone. You are a freak at netball and sport. spam are attracted to you (mainly mine). You are a really good friend, even though your not even a model. #model #lyf

ella_roxx_501 replied 4180 days ago

How do you tell someone they have bad breath?

umm hahaha idk.

ella_roxx_501 replied 4214 days ago

Do blind people have dreams?

Hahaha idk??

ella_roxx_501 replied 4216 days ago

Who do u like

Can't tell you.

ella_roxx_501 replied 4219 days ago 1

Iphone vs Android and reason for your choice?


ella_roxx_501 replied 4229 days ago

Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?

Marley and me, my sisters keeper, and heaps more.

ella_roxx_501 replied 4231 days ago

One thing that the world does not know about you?

Um I don't really know...

ella_roxx_501 replied 4236 days ago

Name 3 people you trust?

Um probably Joelle, Grace and Hannah.

ella_roxx_501 replied 4239 days ago

Top 3 songs on your current music playlist?

Um I dont know royals, parachute and best song ever.

ella_roxx_501 replied 4241 days ago

Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?

Depends which friend it was. If it was my best friend then probably, but if it wasn't a very god friend then probably not.

ella_roxx_501 replied 4241 days ago

Are you ready to go to the sun..? xxx Georgiepain

Oh yeah! Got ma bags packed! They're full of sunnies and sunscreen cos you know. Yep!

ella_roxx_501 replied 4243 days ago

Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?

Not mine.

ella_roxx_501 replied 4246 days ago

If you could hug anybody, who would it be?


ella_roxx_501 replied 4246 days ago