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All of them, I work in a swag movie store
Arhhhhh I guess it will have to be...Sasha Louise Duke... Totally not forced into answering this way...
My hords of bracelets that I own :)
I don't like anyone at the moment... I kid I like this fella called Dakota but shhhh it's s secret
Thanks x
Hella yer
You could say a lot... All $100 of monies
Plans phsssshhh more like winging everything!
How about I take both and all is can be friends *holds gun behind back*....
Absolutely nothing.... I kid a dress with no socks
Every time.... I mean sometimes
Ummm I'm pretty open... I kid I don't know mmmmhhh I guess just yolo...
Are you related to Morgan Freeman?
A job where I earn millions by doing nothing ;)
Maybe. Individual cause I'm a sad guy and a loner....
Life is like a box of chocolates.... Everything's pretty sweet until you get mixed nuts....
"What a weird *exual beast..." I kid they probs just think I'm some random tall person who might be insane with poor spelling. That or they find me majestic as hell...
You ;) if u know what I mean... nahhh probably something like flowers or a machine gun....something all the girls want these day idc....
Well if I where I real boy with swag... Then I would probs give her stuff, *****es love stuff. Also to win their heart I might throw a few compilments out there like **** or weirdo... And that boys is how u not get a girl.
By stop being a selfish person and my weight.... Ohh I had to only do two..... Dammit....
My cat.... It knows to much already... (Shifty eyes)...
Nahhh u be a babe :) x
You are amazing and soo photogenic it scares me ;) lol I'm gonna miss yah and our sport sessshions :D x stay classy
Ur a hipster ****..... Boom. U are a swell guy he need to believe he is awesome otherwise, I might have to ***** slap him. Don't think I won't... Anyways ur a good friend and I gonna miss soo much when I leave :,,,,,,,( those are premeditated tears for wed
I think ur a swell guy :) I'm pretty sad we won't get to crack jokes much more cause there only 3 days of school left :( but # yolo. Nah your holiarious and a cool guy hu deserves a babe of a girl. Any way peace out my homie
That maybe... Just maybe this qooh is.... A group quooh. Oohhhhh I went there....
Why don't I have my socks on anymore? Have I been mugged?
Oh if u accept the milkshake I left in the yard...
That sandwich I ate last week
Understandable. Where's my letter *****?!??
Good good :)
I'll put on my long skirt and turtle neck tomorrow ;) just for u ***** xxx
Thanks "not Sasha" evry body tym for dat! Sorry ill stop being a **** .
Cause this "Sasha" is dissing qoohme she is a weird child.... Jk ruv ru rong tym u babe. Too baben. It's hurts my eyes, they burn. U bez my bestestest friendz. And oi get a qooh!! xxx
Hmmm to not listen to anyone says... Cause... Just cause
Depends if you believe....
Yo momma.
Anything to do with imagine dragons :-)
Yes I'd take a bullet for anyone..
No reason
Because of math-magic
Yes by Michael.. Haha who I am kidding lol
Go dob urself in, I aint taking the blame this time... :)
Sadly probably yes.... It\'s the pastyness :)
Hmmm I love apples and raw sweet short crust pastry... Weird I know! I hate zucchini and mushrooms
I wouldn\'t know I have never tried it...
Cause I am, I like to embrace the inner banana slu*. ;-)
Wow, I don\'t really care... :/
Umm... Claudia and Vincent :-) Sam and Christine, Jessie and Ellen, Molly and Andre
Yes I do :-)
Ofcourse u do ;-)
No one, cause I haven\'t been asked :-P