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Emily Burke


ask me stuff cuties

198 Replies

then why'd you do stuff with a guy who she was once with

Who's the guy and what did I apparently do?

emily.b replied 3088 days ago

thoughts on Mikiah Collett?

I love her and miss her loads! She never fails to make me laugh and I can talk to her about anything. She always makes me feel a heap better and is there for me. Can't wait to see her tomorrow ❤️

emily.b replied 3088 days ago

I would but you would be dissapointed who I am

Just message me

emily.b replied 3099 days ago

You're so beautiful

Awh thankyou, message me?

emily.b replied 3100 days ago

you said it you self that she's a slüt. I heard it come from your mouth. so yes she should that's what she needs, and I can't wait until she does

She won't fcking give into your shìt. She is stronger than that. You are such a low life little cúnt if you believe she deserves what you're saying right now. Would you fúcking like it if someone wanted you to kill yourself? no you wouldn't, so leave her the fúck alone.

emily.b replied 3100 days ago

well she's upset because of it. because you 2 were best friends or what ever. everyone is saying you are. to be honest I think she should, and I not the lowlife cünt she is. she's a whorê. and I wish I was never friends with her

I haven't fúcking said anything like that. whoever is saying that can go fúck themselves. to be honest I think you should fix the way your mind works. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they are a whóre or that they should commit suicide. get off anon and own up to the words you're speaking.

emily.b replied 3100 days ago

I want the same as you, for Claudia to kill herself :)

What the fck? I don't want her to kill herself. I have never said, thought or wanted that. Don't fcking tell her to do that, don't say I want her to do that and don't try and cause her to do that. Grow up and get a life you fcking lowlife cúnt.

emily.b replied 3100 days ago

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

these sales at cotton on body ?

emily.b replied 3103 days ago 1

Think what you want to think everyone knows you do so

Why are you sending me this sh*t What did I do to you?

emily.b replied 3109 days ago

You think your the hottest thing out

I actually don't think I'm the least bit attractive so why would you think that?

emily.b replied 3111 days ago

Why are you such a stuck up b I t c h for?

How am I a stuck up b*tch?

emily.b replied 3113 days ago

at school, or somewhere in person

Talking over coffee and hot chocolate would be nice

emily.b replied 3129 days ago

she may forgive you for whatever happened

She blocked me :/

emily.b replied 3130 days ago

What for

Everything probably

emily.b replied 3130 days ago

Everyone's better off without you lol

Fuxk off

emily.b replied 3130 days ago 1