Ethan Marc Thiart
What makes you instantly hate someone?
If they like uner cocky. ??
Let's hang? Answer my fcking phone calls Joshuaamos450
You never called? ?❤
What makes you happy to be alive?
Not being dead. ??
What's your beef with Joshua
Nothing? Daais dan my bra. ??
Vokken vet poes
Haters be hating. ??
Gonna say it. We spoke about it in the bus.
WOULD YOU sit on a dck and eat a pie or WOULD YOU sit on a pie and eat a dck. Joshuaamos450
No comment. ????
Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?
Im ignoring no one right now. ?
Who's God?
The person who created all. ?
Who was your first kiss?
Christine de Smit. ?
After we win this weekends finals, let's fck sht up?
Sounds like a dope P.O.A ??
Don't be a poes. Be lekker?
I try. ?❌
What was your first kiss like?
Lekker. ????
I never said I'm a true Christian I can be a Jew, but you are so two faced pretending to be da sht??
When have i ever pretended to be christian? In all religions it talks about acceptance, so you must also be pretty unholy ay? ?
Why your Instagram profile pic says eat, pray, slay when you an atheist, do you pray to Mohammed or Satan
Why would you care? True christians accept all, am i wrong? ?
Are you a atheist?
It all depends whos asking. ?
What is one thing you wish everyone knew about you?
I can be a poes. ??
What's your hometown ?
Swakkop. ?
Why you always tearing your pants at school english boii ?
Huge A$$. ?
Why your Instagram profile pic says eat, pray, slay when you an atheist, do you pray to Mohammed or Satan? And you speak a lot about lit your whole gay squad too.The only way you can be lit is ***** or being high on drugs al you mothafckas are fake,
Jealousy is a disease, get ell soon. ?
Thanks for today's playstation/xbox game play. Must love❤
Ayy bra all good, same plans tomorrow? ?❤
The weekend is calling us❤
Yass boet. ❤
Ethanthiart11. ?
What do you envy about the opposite $ex?
Small shoe size. ??
Ethan you $exy fck??? see you tomorrow.
Thanks you. ??
Aweh kamma kelton"???
Ayy jonelle. ??
Why don't you like me?
Im sure i do like you. X
Who do you like
My friends. ?❤
Single; or taken?
Single. ?
What do u want to become when ur older.
(Dream job)
Probably a rugby player. ?
You ain't lit like bic
Youre right im just lit. ?
You have vokol mojo so stfu
Shame joshie get some other friends. ?
What movie dis u watch last?
When was the last time you passed english. ?
How is ur toes I miss them
Theyre fine thanks, who is this? ?
Who do u trust th most?
Probably Emrandt. ?
Do u like me?
Im sure i do. ?
Make sure when you s*ck you swallow
Tgats asdis job. ?
I hear you have a teeny tiny dck
Your mom was satisfied. ?
Do u like to watch telletubies??
Yeah, pinky is bae. ?
What turns u down in girls?
If she has bad breath. ?
What are your plans for the night?
You know my plans. ?
Why you such a naai ?
Thank you. ?
What's ur biggest fear in life?
Not fulfilling expectations. ?
Resting btch face much?
All the time. ?
What colour is ur underwear?
Black and gray. ?
What's ur bra size?
Pretty big. ?
How was ur day?
Ayy was lit and yours? ?
How many girls have u kissed?
About... 6 or 7?
What is ur phone percentage currently on??
10% ?
Wht r u currently doing??
Drinking coke. ?
Do u really like Zander tht much?
(Zander: Grade 5)
Yes, hes then family?
How often do u go to th mall?
Not very often. ?
What's the most expensive thing u have in ur closet??
Probably my rugby boits, R1400. ?
Why you so dope????
Me? I dont know, why are you so dope? ?
Who's ur girl bestie?
Pammela, Raquel, Lucia and Isabel. ?
Why are you so two faced ? You speak sht about your friends and the next moment you out jolling with them. What kind ?
I think you have the wrong guy? ?Sure, jacques is annoying, Joshua is a doos and Emrandt is just Emrandt. But life woyld be vokol without those guys. ?
How was tonight
Was good. ?
What is the lie you always tell?
Im busy. ?
What is ur fav thing to do in th weekends??
Jol. ?
Waht is ur pinkie toes name?
Bobby. ?
What is ur motto in life?
Bros before hoes. ?
Do you like ur toes?
Yes very much so. ?
Who's ur bestie?
There is lots. ?
Do you have toe hair?
No? ?
Any thoughts on Taila?
Pretty dope. ??
Jirre brah, I can wait to smoke that weed with you
What weed? ??
Let's get fcked up tonight?
Naaah, drunking words are sober thoughts, so rather not. ?
Why wouldnt you fck your myt?
'Cos hes a guy? ?
What are you opinions on Joshua's rugby?
Room for improvement, but so far do good. ?
Dylan Hattingh or Joshua Amos, you need to take one of them for a rugby game.
They both have potentioal, but i thibk josh, he needs experience. ?
Did you ever fck your myt?
No. ?
I think I have a crush on you?
DM me. ??
I saw you at my house??
I saw you too. ?
Who's your best little sis?
You cos, youre the only little sis i have. ?
What'd you think of Ava?❤?
Nice body, cute personality. ?
a poes gives a poes n poes klap
Is the first poes called a clit klapper?
I would think so. ?
Not only an exam you nut.....but forgot soja??? Jonelle_3dj
Jonelle, do youbreally think i forgot your birtbday? ?❤ I just told you earlier tbat i couldnt wait for it. ??
Do you still play COC.?
No, who does? ?
What's happening tomorrow??
An exam. ?
Scarlett rage
Is this shani? ?
What's your nickname for me
If this is Jonelle, its liefie. ??
Eyyy....that wall??
I also shmaak it jonelle. ??
Fav girl(s) on the block
Has to be... (no specific order)
1. Jonelle
2. Isabel
3. Lucia
4. Asdis
5. Anina
Thoughts on poodles
Theyre fabulous. ?
Eks nou klaar gevra.....
My turn. ??
????you dum fck
Well thats quite mean. ?