Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
thats concerning
how the hell did you find my qoohme i haven't been on this in like precisely 110 days
Hmmmm enticing What kind of cake?
Lyk a whole 3 people I generally dislike everyone, but don't realllyy hate anyone.
Asshjsdkd why do all you guys miss me like I never leave my bed just come see me ^,^
Bc yay sleeping patterns
Naw I probably miss you too anon
Bc everyone is a mean poopie face
If his catch phrase isn't "****ity bye" I shall be so disappointed
Hell no im taking my **** with me to the grave
"Never be in one, ever" -my father
as in romantic guys? ehh its not really a preference but my "type" is kinda all over the place so i dont really know how to answer that
..thank you?
I contradict myself far too much for anyone to keep track of. I'm horribly cynical and at the same time ridiculously optimistic, don't ask me how that works because i honestly dont know.
I probably miss you too.. probably..
Look at all your ignorant white-person logic
pizza box, watercolours, jumping jacks, candles, my dragon statue, my jar of buttons and like a hundred books .-.
it's made of magic fairy dust that has a colour you cant even imagine if you tried
obviously finn but also donny but also no one
magic of tumblr p*rn
like half a sandwich
Only had one, Alec
Howww abouutt no
I don't have enough caring, money, or energy to be bothered with make up
I'm not going to rank guys on their looks, I actually try and be a nice person not a judgmental prick
Only everything ever
Too many in general, but person i miss the most is probably shaggy
From Caulfield? Nick and jack
I'm just not gunna list five guys man
But what if they can't whistle? What ever will happen then?
Well I'm gunna have to say Donny And then Donny again And then Donny three more times
Why is the wolf whistle even called a wolf whistle? Do wolves whistle? Jag asking the real questions
Eh just inbox me I'm not gunna whinge on qooh me
Ah but if I only have one friend who laughs at all my jokes, I can say that 100% of my friends laugh at my jokes
hehehehe butts
god dammit
with the terms and conditions? I knew it.
im actually really bad at replying to compliments but i feel douchey if i just keep saying thank you but im not just automatic-responsing i really mean it thank you ^,^
*flips hair* hehe but thank you ^,^
watching a show about jesus and a hippy horse, dont judge me
well you can ask me off anon and ill probably be more then willing to explain but its an extremely boring story..
lots and lots of things, too complicated to go on about in qoohme
Neveerr, unless you're Ron because Kim got on that shi*
You wish jellyfish
Would depend on thinggss
I knooww!!! Ill miss Matt but I'm kinda okay with Peter, I'm hoping he's gunna be a sarcastic ***hole hehe
ohmygod im so sorry i left my account on my friends computer and safjkahskjfhsdk im sorry everyone ignore everryytthhiinnngggg D:
i keep trying to think of witty replys to these things but im seriously running out
god dammit it santa i told you to stop pretending to be dev
yup i am
God dammit it justin
I'm disableeeddddd
I'm disabled
Haha its an automated question by the site, thats why its in a red box in your inbox n stuff (:
Awwww thank you, you're beautiful Jessie :')
My face got all scrunchy reading this D: I'm so confused
Hmmm have you tried Target?
Awww afjhdsaghfddh I'm sorry I'm not really relationship-material right now
..not sure what this is in reference to
Have you tried Kmart?
Yayy agreement :D
:O HOW DARE YOU Glad I have my spare nachos for emergencies
Somehow I don't believe that every single student has done every single drug ever, had all of their relatives die, and have 953579 children. Seriously.
but winter = cold Math Confused Things and reasons
Dun dun duuunn
Aw haha I'm not in winter ^,^
You go to Caulfield... That's enough reassurance for my conscious.
Awwww haii katja :D
:O how'd you know I was talking bout Finn? I thought our friendship was so secretive
Aw thank you for asking, yea I'm fine (:
Oh god you're still going? You realise how much time you've spent stalking, reading and replying to me that I really can't take any of you're insults seriously..
See this could be an insult or a compliment depending on your music taste
freckles freckles freckles frecklesfreckles frecklesfreckles frecklesfreckles frecklesfrecklesfrecklef recklescvfrkeclkesklclkreslklsere
Broken unstable loser, I mean I'm not gunna date a liar or someone that doesn't know me (y)
because i didn't know this already (Y)
Rednex, yayy i got a reference release the confetti
I'm not good with references, remembering isnt my strong point
No I'm a special preserved cake in a museum.
I-I.. what
yet you always seem to conveniently pop up everytime i suspect you -.- hmm interestiinngg
I'm a piece of cake.
hehe daemon
Weird person that isn't Justin, hmmm Do I get a hint?
This is so Justin
awww thank you :D hehe you call humans humans, thats what i do hehe
hehehehe it rhymes
If these are the only kinds of people that dislike me on here, I think I'm definitely doing something right. Google sentence structure man..
...i do believe that it was *you* who didn't get the joke, not me? Okay just leave now, youre really not even contributing anything at the moment. Just- just go..
I.. I really don't what you're trying to accomplish here anymore.. Maybe if you dislike me so much stop spending all you're time anonymously messaging me, ESPECIALLY if you're not gunna get my jokes i mean cmon