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i don't know maybe my iPad or a necklace of mine
are you trying to insult me
of course x
maya,jade and bt's
okay. wifi ,food,a house ,a few friends,family,friends family,electricity,and monkeys .no one said there was a limit
um I don't know ,I'm thinking but I can't think ......
they are all my mates but me and me Roy had a connection
5sos and stuff
I'm she's like extremely pretty like flawless and I love her heaps and we play fnaf with eachother a lot .... I love that bt
it will look good
um go bald
she is one of my best friends ,bt's ,um I can talk to her about anything and I love her loads
yeah I know ,it's been a problem for a while now
don't ask me, I don't want to get involved but yeah they just had some problems... :)
is this miss Niven ?
That I'm a man
The dude from shrek is love shrek is life
Dark purple
All day everyday
I can't answer that I have lots of close friends
What's that
Ringwood secondary y?
Holly5225 I think
Isn't there one in the new Katy perry video gaha