Yeah me to cos he's a f***ing awesome straya **** so f*** off him. K
if anyone hates on callum ill beat the f*** out of use
Thank you
Do u like waffles.....
Yeah we like waffles
God i love being purple
your f***ed **** when you come back to school your head is mine
what did i do :(
How did u no it was me ???????
Because Im magic
Is it true you fingered Ashlee Ross?
No wtf
Is it true that you gave josh hand in a public toilet?
No im not gay
y do u smell like donkey flavoured cheese?
i dont you do
name all the relationships you know of in your year level at mordi.....
Shaun and dani, james gott and caitlyn
Don't play footy this year
Why not???
if se* was an option would you say yes (in your year 8 clas*)
who is se*
who u like????
you will never know
what are your thoughts on Matt.M?
hes really nice and good at footy
Why do you play footy? You're shi*
cause im trying to get better k.
And woe, is me
Listen to them as well, if you don't already AshleeRoss
alright will now thanks ash
Duuude, u r a 10/10 would defs bang
You liar, you must like someone! Even if its just a tiny little bit :)
a little
Lol, thoughts on Ashlee Ross? (It's defs not her asking )
She's really nice I have known her since primary school, we have a good friendship, an she has a great taste in music I am glad were friends.
Do you think you had a chance with chloe
Yeah I do
I don't think it matters how many promos I've had, I will never ever be fam0us on da tumblah
Just keep rebloging and you will get their
Oh man, do you like \'like moths to flames\' because they are fab, if not check them out...
I didn\'t even listen to them but I just bought their alb*m and, holy Jesus\' mother they is good ok
Best $16.99 I\'ve spent in a long time okok AshleeRoss
Ok i will thanks ash
Woaah callum! Why so c00l for?
Cause im f***ing awesome
Do you like anyone right now? As in want to be in a relationship like..
Meaning you want to go out with them
um shay, and Chloe d
Who did you like in primary school?
As in friends or l
Actually liking someone meaning you want to go out with them