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you are, my friend ??
jackiiee97 ???
honestly there's to many of them that are high up there to name a fav hatrid?
seems like a nice bloke ? attractive and from what I know is funny. ?
such an easy going, nice, attractive boy. ? have never really gotten to know him as much as I'd like to tho.
kwl story..needs more turtles?
good to see you corrected yourself m8
kiss my A$$ ?
you must be blind mate
well yeah i was ahha! not perfect just yet ?
i think youve asked me this before timmy... you're a good person, but was always a little **** that had somethin nasty to say. i remember i had an anxiety attack one night from you and shane saying something that hurt me, and i left. you're a funny little prick & good to be around when you are nice! ?
rather nice chap.. funny & easy to get along with!
i was fat hahah so no
if this was the case hed message me himself hahaha ?
probably an annoying person soz
nah dont actually have any messages?
you're a joke haha
such a nice girl :) funny & good to drink with x
i poke a lot of people on fb soz
nah man, jackiiee97 xxx
shes such a little cutie, nice and deserves to be happy :)
not sure, never really spoken to the guy
well id like to get skinnier.. so i couldnt care what you think hah, i wasnt happy before & i still am not. so im doing something about it x
dunno what you're talking about hahha
hahah what you mean m8
yeah okay. i know exactly who this is ? ahhaha eric has a girlfriend and a child to worry about.
he seems alright.. have never actually had a conversation with him haha :)
hes a nice lad
sorry who
not sure what you mean type of guy. guess he gotta be nice and looks are always a bonus ??
hes alright... has said some words that hurt :/ pretty attractive..
dutts 4 sure
you my favvvv. miss you heaps x
never actually hung out, but seems like a good person. good to have a chat with :)
did you really just ask that ? most attractive boy ive seen in a while. seems like a nice lad :)
you're a good person, but can be a shtty person at times and your words actually hurt haha. miss you heaps tho, gotta catch up soon
thank you :) haha give me a message or something. i dont bite x
HAHAHA what qooh me and who is diss
no darling talk **** xxx
shes pretty! nice and funny
seems like a nice girl & pretty
probably $20
mm nah singles fun soz
stfu ya sook
yeah sure anon
I love you too baby
No its not darling otherwise you wouldnt be on anon
lol because i dont want too
drive on my ls?
uh nah babe dont be gross
ahh just cos?
Dont have a snapchat
my long lost sister! love youu xx
cutest boy ever heheh! love talking too nice & funny!
just cute lol
jackiiee97 xx
nice boy! hes cute as heheh
Im positive baby
he seems like a nice boy heheh :) hes kinda cute! but people are mean too him and he doesnt deserve it!
hes a nice boy! so cute and makes me laugh heheh
that ****s nothinng dwww i have 110 messages on qoohme and there alot worse then anything ive posted aha! but thanks babbbyy xxx
I dont even know 10 hot boys lololol
pretty girl! so nice x
wouldnt happen ew lolol
each to their own i guess, hes a cutie!
awh whos this?! message me! im still mad at chatting ;)
i dont know him but hes attractivee x
six minutes hahah
was actually just looking at his qoohme tbh ;)? heheh but hes perfff :') hes so attractive! & seems like a nice boy. x
shes a nice girl, doesnt deserve any of the **** she cops! pretty :)