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Mark Davenport


Go on then, ask your stupid question

28 Replies

What are you really good at?

Sarcasm, Video Games, Swimming and Procrastination.

jackpipsam replied 3910 days ago

Are you okay? I know that your page is losing likes. It'll be okay friend. Hang in there

What page? If you mean "Mark Brendan Davenport - Independent for McEwen", I really don't do anything with that page anymore. People are justified to unlike it.

jackpipsam replied 3912 days ago

Your source of happiness?


jackpipsam replied 4017 days ago

How much is enough money for you?

Never Enough

jackpipsam replied 4019 days ago

thoughts on my b*m as nigga Muse Jama

I approve.

jackpipsam replied 4029 days ago

I can't believe you rejected me, when I was in love with you... :(

If you're the legit person who i'm thinking of, then I am sorry but I couldn't see how things could have worked during that environment. If I hurt you then i'm sorry. If you're John-Joe, then I rejected you because you didn't vote for me in the federal election.

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

Thanks, dude.

Not a problem.

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

Seems to me that the way to go with the Dunne-Meister is to make exactly what he wants to see, rather than following your own creative ideas.

It's often a case of compromise. If you explain to him what the heck you're doing then he normally is cool with it. I mean he let me and John-Joe ABUSE the hell out of the green screen and stuff on the macs like garage band. Many of my and John-Joe's wacky ideas (including Velvet Soufflé) grew out of that class. Hell our "friendship" (or whatever you can call the #nohomo man love between us) was because of Media. There is many opportunities to do all kinds of outrageous stuff in that class. You just gotta approach it right.

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

Thanks, Mark. Our first SAC is either next week or the week after... I still have no idea what it's on...

What about Mr. Dunne? I'm already contemplating murder..

SACs for History come down to having a basic understanding of the events. Hoysted will often go on a rambing about a billion things and often not related to the study guide. The best thing to be able to do is focus on one thing and work on expanding that. As for Mr. Dunne, I don't have the loathing for him as many of my classmates did. I get the impression he is really passionate, but he just isn't fully 'with it' in regards to a learning environment. The best advice I can give is stay on his good side, don't be a smart-as* to him and he in turn should be generally fine back to you.

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

How might one deal with Mrs. Hoysted's History lessons for an entire year, when one's brain has dissolved by the forth week... is a good start. Connecting your laptop to the projector before she comes in and playing random things is another. Just trying to get one leg up upon her is my advice.

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

Nidoking or Nidoqueen?

Nidoqueen because I like the blue better than the purple.

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

Okay pressing question - Adolf OR Rainbow Dash? JJWilson

Rainbow Dash. She would have beaten Russia. Also Adolf rage quit from life, I doubt she would. Unless that's the final episode of the series, in which case SPOILERS!

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

"Hilarious! Could not stop laughing" - New York TImes

A New York Times Bestseller

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

I wish you were my friend

Who doesn't?

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago

You are the best

Why thank you.

jackpipsam replied 4030 days ago