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93 Replies

thoughts pleaseee :) kiara.pell

KP you are a good mate, good to talk to, funny, weird and got an alright head on ya ;) Nah but it's good having you back in our pod seeing that you dogged us for one term but it's alright. but yeah we should catch up more. "love you" not really I hate you, never talk to me again not joking ;) :)

jackytaylors replied 3255 days ago

Thoughts :) Kaylaashcroft

Kazzz, I have only really known you since this year but its been good as because we are really good friends now. You are really nice and its always fun being around you and we had tons of fun in digital photography ahahaha. But yeah we should catch up or something and you better not leave bse ;)

jackytaylors replied 3281 days ago

Thoughts legend jorja.hallam

Jorja I have known you since year 7 and its been good having you in my grade. you are really nice and a good friend, You still haven't given me my $2's but it's alright, ;) and you're lucky I give you my work (humanities) Ahahah but yeah ily as well x

jackytaylors replied 3296 days ago 1

Thoughts about Game of thrones season 5 finale ?

Don't watch that gay stuff

jackytaylors replied 3298 days ago 1

Thoughts babe!1?1!3!2?1? backjordin

Jacky B mate you are a good mate and its fun when you come around to my house and kyle always gets pissed off at me because I'm in his room or something like that ahahah good times.

jackytaylors replied 3298 days ago

thoughts jacky t! katieesertorii

KT you are a bloody legend, really nice and a good person to have a chat to. We have known each other since year 7 and its been really good that we got put in the same class. I think we have drifted apart in year 8 a bit and don't talk as much so we should get closer m8. And remember don't dog the boyss ;)

jackytaylors replied 3298 days ago 2

Thoughts? :) Carissaamott

Haven't talked much, you seem really nice and chill and yeah you seem like a pretty cool chick and would like to get to know you better.

jackytaylors replied 3298 days ago 1

Those who feel the need to constantly be with a variety of friends are considered fickle. Those with no propensity for computers and science are called geeks.


jackytaylors replied 3306 days ago 1

When living with a neurological condition (or with a loved one who has one), it can be very easy to focus on the challenges and limitations.

because I know what this means, cheers

jackytaylors replied 3306 days ago 1


Yeah righto

jackytaylors replied 3306 days ago



jackytaylors replied 3306 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?


jackytaylors replied 3306 days ago

Hey Kaylaashcroft

Hey kaz :)

jackytaylors replied 3389 days ago

Jack. You rejected my awesome ****ing hug :')

Yeah I also usually reject the ugly ones ;')

jackytaylors replied 3411 days ago 1


I dont know who that is

jackytaylors replied 3411 days ago