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1.1k Replies

Hi im bob


jorja.hallam replied 3003 days ago

What mistake will you never make again?

hahahahahahahahahhah well

jorja.hallam replied 3023 days ago 11

What's the dumbest thing you've ever spent money on?


jorja.hallam replied 3065 days ago

thoughts xxx ayvastevenson

used to be super close, your so nice and super pretty!! kms, have heaps of funny mems together haha, would be good to get close again xxx

jorja.hallam replied 3068 days ago 1

Which talent you wish you had ?

read peoples minds

jorja.hallam replied 3072 days ago 2

snap streaks?


jorja.hallam replied 3073 days ago

Thoughts cos ily Kenz.lea

we luv the squad, hehe your a little sht and i like jack more ;)) jks ily heaps, lets hope we get a pair of legs next chrissy xxxx

jorja.hallam replied 3073 days ago 3 1

Thoughts on little mills

such a legend, fcking love you x

jorja.hallam replied 3073 days ago

thoughts jorja xx Carissaamott

Carissa, top chick! nice, funny and good to talk to! also pretty xxx

jorja.hallam replied 3073 days ago

What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?

when tiana became a flog

jorja.hallam replied 3073 days ago

Thoughts $exy Lexy xx tianathomas

hehe tiana i hate you because you have the best bloody body ever, please get fat & stop tanning because your that black aswell, but your actually such a good person, can trust you with lots and your always there for me, your so pretty to and your fücking hilarious, one of my closest friends but hurry up and get back from echuca, miss u xx

jorja.hallam replied 3077 days ago 1

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

kenzie knows

jorja.hallam replied 3077 days ago 1

Long Thoughts? oliverjensen

miss you so much ollie omg :(, you're such a cutie! only started to be good friends in the middle of year 8, which I'm so glad about because you're now one of my closest friends, you're super funny and we have alotta memories together with apo and trez, i can trust you with heaps and tell you anything, hahah but when you get back we need to catch up because haven't seen you in yonks, love u so much xxx

jorja.hallam replied 3078 days ago 1

thoughts x Chloethatcher_

don't know you that well but have spoken a couple times, your really nice and super pretty! xx

jorja.hallam replied 3078 days ago 1

Thoughts? ;) flynnpcook123

you're a legend, one of my best mates and can tell you anything, ilysm flog xx

jorja.hallam replied 3078 days ago 1