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Jacob Saunders


ask me bruh

1.9k Replies

Beers beers beers in bulk

Beers are good for me

jacobsaunders replied 3004 days ago

Fave couple not including you and Georgia

Uh okay hahaha Defiantly kulka and jas, love em

jacobsaunders replied 3004 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

Snakes, fücking snakes...

jacobsaunders replied 3004 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

Black Mustang, no particular year just the older models around late 70's early 80's. And of course matte black Audi R8

jacobsaunders replied 3059 days ago 2

Do you have a girlfriend Tamlyndm

Sure do. Who are you? Hahahahah

jacobsaunders replied 3063 days ago 1

What is the most money you've ever spent at once and on what ?

Mi car bruh, only 3grand but

jacobsaunders replied 3063 days ago

Are you single?


jacobsaunders replied 3065 days ago

How old will you be in 2030 ?

Old enough to fück your bitćh

jacobsaunders replied 3065 days ago 1

What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?

Cash money, lots and lots of cashoala please and thank you

jacobsaunders replied 3080 days ago

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Wasn't a very good one besides my noodles

jacobsaunders replied 3082 days ago 1

Why do you have that scar ?

Teeth through my bottom lip from dancing on table when I was like 4, and split my chin on slipping over in the bath at the same age, both whilst being babysat by my Aunty hahahahah

jacobsaunders replied 3085 days ago 1

If you were God for a day, what would you do?

I already am God tho???

jacobsaunders replied 3090 days ago 1

What are you obsessed with?


jacobsaunders replied 3093 days ago

You and georgia???? ?

Georgia is a very good acquaintencr of mine who is a bit of a pest but still quite a nice young lady, would recommend her to mr satan himself

jacobsaunders replied 3096 days ago 1 1

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

My Xbox and Fallout has grabbed my attention by the throat and ain't lettin go anytime soon, God damn

jacobsaunders replied 3096 days ago