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jacob kidman


Ask me absolutely anything idc :3

202 Replies

What is your motto?

Ain't got one

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3400 days ago

What is your current state of mind?

Must get a job

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3403 days ago

I love you so much. Run away with me and we can be together forever. xoxo

Da fuq who is this inbox me or text me

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3405 days ago 1

It's better off for the both of us you not knowing. I'm sorry. I love you.


jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3405 days ago

Amy might hide stuff from him but their relationship is none of your goddamn business. Stop being a home wrecker and get your own life instead of trying to fck with someone else's ☺️ SirEric

That's right

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3405 days ago 1

I am whoever i want.
Amy lies about so fcking much to you. Not even kidding Kidman.
I have the proof of her on whisper and her underwesr photos on insta. You dony deserve this sht.

Inbox me screen shots then

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3405 days ago

You are honestly better off not knowing who I am. Trust me. Just know I miss you and I love you. I'm so sorry Jacob. I love you.

I'd like to know

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3405 days ago

I have proof that shes doing it. And then deletes all the bad comments so then her ego goes way up. I would send it to you but i dont have your number. Plus its pretty disgusting. No one wants to see that face ew.

Who is this

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3405 days ago

Given that I was the one that sent that question, I can 100% say it was not RGV. I would rather not say who I am, staying anonymous will be better for the both of us. I'm sorry. I love you.

Wtf who is this

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3405 days ago

It's rvg, I'm sure you know what I mean. Sorry it ended the way it did.

Bullsht it is. Prove that its you.

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3406 days ago

Hi. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you. I'm staying anonymous because I'm afraid knowledge of who I am wouldn't be a pleasant surprise. I miss you so much though, and I love you.

I'm sure I'd be fine with it ... Please text me no one will know

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3406 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?

Mates alcohol cars a big shed all the tools in the world a hoist my girlfriend n a house and kids

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3406 days ago 1

Hey anon, get in the bin. Ta :) amybouck123

Wot lol

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3406 days ago

You do know Amy is posting on "whisper" asking boys for opinions on her right? .... and posting pics of her in her underwear on instagram?

That's up to her if she does that and if she doesn't want to tell me then so be it, inbo. Me who you are

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3406 days ago

I love you

Who's this

jacooooobbbbb94 replied 3406 days ago